Tanks in Bungie's Destiny 2 almost always refer to the Titan Class, perhaps the most durable of all three Classes in the game. In turn, Titans prefer to have a straightforward approach when defending teammates. Interestingly, each Titan subclass in the game offers Guardians a unique set of defensive capabilities that players can custom-tailor into firefights. Essentially, every Titan possesses ways of defending teammates and leading the charge, depending on their needs.

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However, despite differences in abilities, Titans in Destiny 2 seem to have a common approach when it comes to tanking. In turn, Titan abilities allow them to take point on the offensive or lead the defensive, respectively. Interestingly, Titans in Crucible have recommended "essentials" to ensure their team's long-term survival.

10 Prioritize The Right Stats

A Titan overlooking the battlefield - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Titans who want to succeed in PVP firefights should invest in the right statistics even before the battles begin. Recovery is always great for any player, as it allows them to return to battle quickly with higher HP generation. For Titans, this allows them to tank more damage more frequently. In the case of Resilience, Tier-2 works best as this gives them decent recharge time for their Barricades.

Meanwhile, Titans can generally get flexible when it comes to stats outside these parameters. Grenade users need to invest in Discipline to boost their cooldown (CD) time. Meanwhile, the same principle works with Intellect, which reduces Super CD.

9 No Dodge Requires Low, Grounded Movement

Activating a Barricade - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Titans trade their superior defense with a lack of supreme mobility, unlike their Warlock and Hunter counterparts. Granted, Lifts allow Titans to get short bursts of speed - but the lack of lateral movement on air means Titans remain vulnerable to attacks the longer they're floating.

In turn, Titans maintain superior defense the longer they stay on the ground. Moreover, Titans maximize their combat options the more they utilize the game's slide mechanics, especially when most opponents expect others to fly up in the air. Due to this, Titans generally don't need as much mobility in armor, and should focus on sliding from cover to cover.

8 Timed Strafes Boost Ground Mobility

A Titan moving on air - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Despite the lack of dodges and air movement, Titans can maximize mobility courtesy of their Lifts. However, Titans should consider timing their Strafe Lifts to give their movement a low-key boost. As a result, Titans "glide" on the ground as though they're dodging like their Hunter and Warlock counterparts. Whereas other Lifts give Titans verticality, Strafe Lift propels the Titan forward and gives them faster access to what's in front of them.

The trick here is to do a basic jump and activate Strafe Lift before hitting the ground. That way, Titans get a decent forward boost and recharge their Strafe Lift as soon as they hit the ground. Remember, Titans become vulnerable for movement the longer they stay on air, so Strafe Lifting on the last second gives them a boost that brings them back on the ground quickly.

7 Never Turn The Back On The Enemy

A Titan activating a Barricade - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Players need to turn their mouse to change directions. Unfortunately, turning to go to another point on the map can potentially leave players - especially slow Titans - exposed to enemy fire. Turning can give enemies that window of time they need to kill the Titan, which can render them useless for the rest of the match. As such, Titans need to remember never to turn their back on the enemy as much as possible.

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Essentially, Titans should never change directions during Strafe Lifts. Rather, they should change directions as soon as they land on the ground and immediately slide there. That way, enemies can't find enough time to focus their sights on the Titan.

Likewise, Titans can also slide towards a point and turn back as soon as they active their Barricade. That way, Titans can easily secure another point without giving enemies that small window to fire at a turning Titan.

6 Secure The Defense Via Barricades

Titan looking at a Barricade in front of a wall - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Thanks to Barricades, Titans and their teammates can defend themselves from enemy fire should the need arise. However, Titans can actually do more than just plain defense with their barricades. Interestingly, while Rally Barricade's small barrier suited for basic cover, Titans can reign the battlefield with Towering Barricade.

Essentially, Titans can secure the defensive on unconventional spaces via the Towering Barricade. For instance, Titans can extend cover by activating a Towering Barricade beside the end of a wall, allowing them to peek further. Likewise, Titans can Towering Barricade entrances and exits to corridors to seal enemies away. Moreover, Titans can push themselves to a wall and prop a Towering Barricade, giving them a window to run on either side while enemies try to push towards the wall.

5 Extend Defensive Play Through Shields

Creating a Barricade to block a doorway - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Titans stuck on a defensive position should capitalize on the size of their Barricades. Remember, Towering Barricade forms a curved shield, not a horizontal one. Moreover, the Towering Barricade offers small "borders" that extend to the corners and edges of the Barricade.

Interestingly, Titans could hug their Barricades to avoid fire, especially from Hunters who try to hit them from above with auto rifles. Moreover, Titans can set up a Grenade above their Barricade, further making it hard for enemies to try and attack them from above.

4 Take Point With Towering Barricade

Using a Barricade to extend cover - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Interestingly, Titans can also use their Towering Barricade to take point in team fights, using brute force instead of long-range snipers. Essentially, Titans can slide in towards the enemy team and activate the Barricade after they land the first kill. This method causes chaos within enemy ranks, encouraging them to either go around the Barricade to fight the Titan or even slide past it.

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If they do the latter, they take damage for bypassing the Barricade. This move can dish enough damage that the Titan and their teammates can eliminate the opponent when they meet face to face. Likewise, the short time enemies spend to circle the Barricade is enough room for the Titan's allies to pepper through the enemy and end the match.

3 Always Get Up Close And Personal

A Titan going on melee - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Unlike other classes, the Titan works best for a more aggressive playstyle. After all, the best defense should be the one where there aren't any enemies left to attack, right? Bottom Tree Titans usually get access to aggressive abilities that take advantage of close-quarters combat, especially with weapons such as Shotguns. Thanks to Barricades and Grenades, any Titan shouldn't hesitate to take the fight to the enemy to disorient them up close.

For instance, Striker (Code of the Missile) has attacks that work best for aggressive CQC. Ballistic Slam is a decent entrance attack, while other abilities improve resource generation up close. Meanwhile, Sentinel (Code of the Aggressor) utilizes defense and gives the Titan advantages while surrounded.

2 Commit To The Grenade

Titan using a Lightning Grenade - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Aside from base weapons, Titans can rely on specific Grenades to establish dominance on the battlefield. For instance, the Suppressor Grenade (Sentinel) hinders enemies from using some skills. However, Titans might want to capitalize on the Lightning Grenade (Striker) instead. Essentially, this Grenade sticks to a surface and launches a cone of lightning that can reach around five meters.

In most instances, Titans would want to throw a Lightning Grenade in front of where enemies are headed. However, players should always anticipate skilled players shooting or retreating from Grenade. In that case, players should go in the opposite direction as soon as they throw the Grenade and prepare to hit with their scout rifle, as this is where their targets will likely head anyway.

1 Control The Play

Titan and a teammate behind a Barricade - Destiny 2 Titan Tank Tips

Titans almost always want to play aggressively in order to disorient opponents. In these instances, players should capitalize on their power to control the play. Essentially, Titans can "manipulate" enemies into their doom by tinkering with how they use their abilities.

For instance, a Titan can try throwing a Grenade to disorient an opponent. This microsecond they take to check the Grenade's trajectory can be enough time to aim for a quick kill. Likewise, Titans can throw Grenades behind opponents and force them to retreat and be within the Grenade's radius. Interestingly, Titans could also set up a Barricade on a corridor's exit to lure enemies into taking another exit, where the Titan's allies can wait in anticipation.

NEXT: Destiny 2: 10 Sunbreaker Titan Pro Tips For PVE