Over the years players have gone head to head in a variety of PVP game modes in Destiny 2. These Crucible events are a great way to improve skills, gain valuable rewards like powerful weapons, and pick up some new tactics. Some players spend most of their time in the Crucible, a few never touch it, and most players will dabble now and then based on the rewards and events going on.

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While the best Crucible mode is a matter of preference there are some that the fanbase has determined isn’t nearly as fun as the others. Much of this comes down to the gameplay, the design, or just how other players act when participating in these matches.

11 Survival

Survival is generally considered by many players to be the least favorite game mode. Two teams go head to head in a fight to the death, the catch with Survival is that each team has a maximum of eight lives they can share with each other, whichever team runs out of those lives first loses.

This makes teamwork and individual skill incredibly important which is why it ranks lower. All it takes is having one awful player on the team and they’ll drain away the limited lives everyone else needs to win. There’s nothing more frustrating than playing at the top of your game as an individual and a team, but one struggling teammate causes you to lose anyway.

10 Countdown

Part of the reason this game mode may be unpopular is due to factionism. Two teams are tasked with different objectives, one team must plant a bomb and defend it until it explodes to win while the other team is tasked with taking them out and defusing the bomb in order for them to win.

If it sounds familiar it’s because it was a game mode popularized in Counter Strike Global Offensive. The general consensus is that if you want to play this mode go play it on CSGO where it’s done better.

9 Showdown

Showdown is about getting as many kills as possible in duel-style combat, the first to win three rounds wins the game. Showdown very heavily relies upon the individual’s skills in combat and whatever the trending meta is at the time.

Because you absolutely must have the right meta setup, which often means hand cannons, and a high level of skill most players don’t like this mode. It also doesn’t help that most of the game’s trash talking and bragging takes place in these matches.

8 Supremacy

Supremacy suffers from the same problem Countdown faces. In this mode players must confirm the kill by scooping up the crests that drop from their victims, if they fail to gather them, they don’t count.

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This was a game mode popularized by the Call of Duty franchise and some players frown upon its inclusion in Destiny 2. The only reason it doesn’t rank lower is that even the most jaded player admits it works well and is fun to play now and then.

7 Breakthrough

Breakthrough is an interest game mode that some players have compared to Rainbow Six Siege, but it’s a rough fit at best. In this mode teams fight to gain control of a Breaker that’s used to hack into an enemy vault.

If they manage to hold the position and let the Breaker do its thing the point of the round goes to them. It’s familiar enough that players can pick the concept up quickly, but different enough it doesn’t feel like a downright rip-off of other games.

6 Lockdown

Lockdown is an interesting mode where teams of players must fight to secure an area and hold it. Holding that position will cause a Progress bar to fill up and once maxed out will win them the round.

It’s a fun PVP mode that sees the zones trading hands multiple times and players anxiously waiting for the percentage points to tick upward. It sits in the middle because while it is fun there are modes that are much more entertaining.

5 Clash

Clash is perhaps the most straight forward and basic game mode in the Crucible. Two teams go head to head in timed rounds trying to get the most kills.

This is the mode many beginners will spend a lot of time in because there’s not a lot of moving parts and it’s great for acquiring skills and getting familiar with PVP. It’s also a great mode to unwind and have some standard fun when other modes are driving you crazy.

4 Control

Destiny 2 Control fighters in masks holding weapons near ship

Control is similar to Lockdown, but instead of trying to control a single point on the map players are looking to capture and hold multiple areas. Capturing an area will generate points and the more areas that are under a team’s control the more points are earned from each kill.

It introduces some interesting strategies as teams must balance defending areas and going on the offense to take advantage of point multipliers.

3 Mayhem

Mayhem is basically Clash mode, but on steroids. Supers and abilities recharge faster, Power Ammo is much more abundant, and the respawn time is decreased so you get back to the action faster when you die.

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In addition to the action-packed frenzied pace, players like that it equates to shorter play sessions, allowing them to get in, get their Destiny 2 PVP fix, and get back out. It’s perfect for gamers with limited time on their hands.

2 Momentum Control

Momentum Control is identical to regular Control mode, but with the main difference that zones are captured faster and grant more points for kills. This allows players to quickly capture areas and get busy killing opponents to take advantage of the multipliers before the opposing team overthrows their control of those areas.

It’s fast-paced, intense, and is another mode perfect for gamers who don’t have all afternoon to play. Not to mention it requires a lot of on the fly tactics to determine whether holding a position or attacking is the best course of action.

1 Team Scorched

Team Scorched is one of those game modes that you either love or hate and a lot of players seem to love it. It’s a standard deathmatch, but the main difference is that each player is outfitted with Scorch Cannons.

Scorch Cannons are Fallen weapons that are basically rocket launchers. Diving through a map as both teams bombard each other with fireballs of death is an absolute blast and makes for some intense gameplay.

NEXT: The 10 Best Weapons For Crucible In Destiny 2: Shadowkeep