Deathloop is a deceptively simple game at the start but quickly evolves into a complex adventure filled with mechanics and brimming with "customization." Players are free to create their own builds for Colt by collecting weapons, trinkets, and slabs that adhere to their own particular play style. Deathloop gives gamers the freedom to play through it as they see fit, with no right or wrong answer to how Colt escapes the Loop.

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One of the most useful trinkets is hidden via a short sidequest that most players would miss unless they know what they're looking for. The Cat Fall trinket can be a lifesaver and is incredibly useful for navigating the detailed maps in Deathloop. Here's everything players need to know about the Cat Fall trinket, as well as where to find it and where to trigger the quest that rewards it.

What Does The Cat Fall Trinket Do?

Deathloop Colt looking down from a container at enemies

The Cat Fall Trinket greatly reduces the damage that Colt would take when falling certain distances. Anyone who has made their way off a rooftop or down a mountainside in Deathloop knows that fall damage can be really unforgiving. To make matters worse, Colt does a combat roll that makes him vulnerable to enemy fire, in addition to taking quite a bit of damage from the fall itself. One wrong move while traversing the rooftops of the island and players can find themselves losing a life, or worse, restarting a Loop entirely.

The Cat Fall trinket puts an end to the stress of traversing maps vertically by significantly reducing the fall damage that Colt would normally take. Snagging and infusing this trinket can allow Colt to stick to the high ground, jumping down when necessary and eliminating enemies via stealth takedowns.

How To Trigger The Cat Fall Trinket Quest

To get the Cat Fall trinket, players first have to trigger a quest that will "make the Cat Fall trinket available." The reason it's not always available is that it's being held by a particular Eternalist, one that's easily missed amidst all the chaos.

To do so, players need to travel to Updaam during the Afternoon. Colt should leave out the right-side door of the Tunnels, and spot the large illuminated Candy sign at the end of the pathway.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step One

While making their way towards the sign, players can make a sharp right turn between two buildings and go up a small "ramp" made of rocks.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step Two

By following this path along the mountainside they'll come to a rooftop that they can climb onto.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step Three

Looking left, players should spot a path along a set of pipes that will take them to another rooftop.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step Four

Once crossing the gap, they can continue along the rooftop and follow the mountainside until they spot a massive cannon pointed off a nearby cliffside.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step Five

Getting close enough, Colt should spot two Eternalists near the back of the cannon and if he waits long enough a small scene will ensue where another Eternalist is launched from the cannon itself and into the distance.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Updaam Step Six

If all goes well, Colt should get a pop-up that lets him know the Eternalist managed to land in Karl's Bay, more specifically on top of the roof of Hanger 1.

NOTE: Sometimes the Eternalists will not launch the cannon. In this instance, Colt can dispatch them and do it himself. If the cannon is not operational, he will need to pick up a nearby battery and set it into the power source before pressing the button on the back of the cannon.

Where To Find The Cat Fall Trinket

Once players have witnessed the cannon-launching event and been rewarded with the tool-tip pointing to the Eternalist's landing spot, they'll need to travel to Karl's Bay during the Evening. From the tunnels, Colt should make his way out the right-most door and then along the shoreline towards the sign scaffolding in the distance.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Karls Bay Step One

By sneaking behind the scaffolding and up the rocks, he can come to a pathway that leads across a small bridge and to Hanger 1 itself.

Deathloop Cat Fall Trinket Location Quest Karls Bay Step Two

Players will know it's the right building by spotting the large painted 1 near the top left of the front-side of the hangar itself. All that's left is to climb up to the top of the roof (double jump comes in handy here, as does the Shift Slab). Once up top, players will find an Eternalist shape firmly planted in the snow and the Cat Fall Trinket nearby. Once players grab it, they're free to infuse it and "keep it forever."

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