Deathloop, which has been met with a positive critical reception, starts with a fairly extensive tutorial. During this, players are tasked with sneaking into Colt's apartment three times during two different times of the day. This is still when gamers are acclimating themselves to the gameplay mechanics, so this simple task might be a small challenge. Fortunately, there is no risk of being invaded by Julianna yet.

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Fear not, though, because this guide will explain in-depth the easiest way to sneak into Colt's flat in Deathloop. The first time it is in the morning, and before the tutorial section is over, Colt has to sneak into his apartment once again at night. With this guide, it will be a cakewalk to reach it without a single guard seeing Colt.

Reaching Colt's Apartment In The Morning

deathloop tunnel exit

Leave the tunnel through the right-side exit. Then, take the first right and walk up the rock formation hanging from the side of the building.

rocks updam deathloop

Quietly execute the guard looking out over the cliff (feel free to kick him off as well for some ragdoll fun).

guard looking over cliff deathloop

Then, climb onto the roof that was to the left of that guard. The top of a stone gate is visible ahead. Walk across it; it's thin but is not too much of a challenge to cross.


Climb to the other side and head to the right, walking on the rock. Keep going forward past the library entrance to the left and a big drop to the right. Up ahead, there is a sensor. Climb the rock to its left to reach the top of the building.


The window painted red is the entrance to Colt's apartment. However, two guards are investigating a light. There are two options here; run past them, slide through the door, close the window behind Colt, or distract them.

Districting guards with a bottle deathloop

To distract them, take a bottle on a small ledge to the right and throw it to the guards' right. They will turn away from the window, providing just enough time to sneak into the apartment (something which highlights Deathloops emergent gameplay). Close the window for extra security.

Reaching Colt's Apartment At Night

deathloop updaa at night with a sniper rifle

When getting the LPP, Colt has to sneak back into his flat at night. Typically, nighttime levels are harder, including more enemies. Fortunately, the same path works here as before, only making a few adjustments considering the increased patrol.

deathloop nighttime updam

Take the right-side exit again from the tunnels. Let the three guards finish their conversation, and they'll walk their separate ways. It is best to have the Spiker equipped, making it easy to take each of them out silently with a headshot.

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Head up the rocks again to find two guards on the rooftop. Kill the one who is by the flaming garbage can first and then the sniper looking over the edge.

roof updaam deathloop

On the other side of the narrow ledge, there is usually a sniper looking out in the player's direction, just wait, and he will eventually walk away.

deathloop sneaking at night updaam

Right behind the rock in front of Colt is a ballistic turret. Walk across it and head to the right, just like last time. Climb the rock and then hack it from above. There is also a guard on a roof to the right of the turret; he is drunk and will eventually fall to his own death.

ballistic turret deathloop hacking

There are two additional guards here; one on top of a small house to the right and one patrolling the lower area near the sensor. The latter guard is the only one who will cause any issue.

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Either wait until his back is turned to jump onto the roof (the same one as in day time) or wait until he walks towards Colt, cause a disturbance by hacking a nearby antenna to attract him towards the turret, and let the automated weapon do the rest of the work.

Colt's apartment deathloop night

Once on the roof, it is simpler to sneak in. There are no guards here like in the daytime so just walk through the same window as last time. It shouldn't be necessary for both daytime and nighttime, but having the trinket that allows Colt to double jump helps make it easier to navigate the area.

Deathloop is out now for PS5 and PC.

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