Deathloop tasks players with investigating the four areas of Blackreef deeply enough until they find a way to kill all the Visionaries within a single day. The "what" is laid out plainly for gamers as they progress through the story, but the "how" is completely up to them. Successfully killing all of the targets always starts with murdering Harriet in Karl's Bay during the morning.

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Of the four districts in Deathloop, Karl's Bay is perhaps the most well-guarded in the early hours, so killing Harriet and leaving the region might prove challenging for some. Using this guide, it should be simple enough to take out Harriet and leave without getting so much as a scratch.

Preparing For The Kill

Deathloop Pre-Mission Menu

If players are doing this during the latter part of the game, they should already have a hefty load of weapons and equipment from which to choose. For a run without raising any alarms, the best Slabs to equip are Aether and Nexus. The former is earned by killing Egor and the latter is taken from Harriet.

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For weapons, The Spiker is necessary for silence, while a shotgun like the Heritage Gun is great in case things get hairy. Two Ideal Trinkets to have are Spring Heeled and Mine Own. Any player who lacks some of these can still get by using the tactics listed below, it just might be a little harder.

Reaching The Hangar

deathloop karl's bay

Upon leaving the tunnel, follow the road to the right, but stay slightly outside of it. None of the guards on the road should see Colt, including the one sitting on top of the van. Along the cliff edge, there is a guard looking over the water.

deathloop guard karl's bay

Crouch behind him and kick him off the ledge. Continue forward and another guard should be walking toward Colt. The player should be far away enough that they are not spotted. Once the guard turns around players should do the same as the other guard and send him flying to his death.

deathloop turret

A little further ahead there are stairs. Players should head to the right of these, continuing along the rocks. Around the corner, there are two guards and a ballistic turret. After hacking the turret, it should kill one guard, which then attracts the attention of the other. If it doesn't, crawl closer and snipe them with the Spiker.

deathloop first hangar

Cross the bridge and head into the first hangar (If this is the final loop, players must first enter the shack with the fireworks using the code acquired beforehand). Head up the stairs to the highest level and follow the path which leads to the second hangar where Harriet is performing a ceremony.

Killing Harriet

deathloop karl's bay second hangar

With the Mine Own Trinket, players can hack and deactivate the mines to the left covering the window. Blowing these up does not trigger an alarm. There is a guard on the opposite end on the same level as Colt who might see him, so players should kill him with the Spiker.

deathloop lasermine

Jump across to the other side using the hanging airplane part in the center of the room. Harriet is at one end of the hangar in an airplane cockpit. Using the top of the airplane Harriet is standing in, Colt can jump through the window where he previously deactivated the mines. Activate Aether before jumping to make sure Harriet does not spot Colt.

deathloop jumping through window hangar

Once through the window, move into the area where Harriet is standing. Stealthily kill the guard on the top level. Drop down to the next level and kill the two guards protecting Harriet. Nexus helps in taking them out simultaneously.

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If done correctly, Harriet still should not see Colt. If still in stealth, Colt can simply sneak up behind her and perform an execution. Alternatively, use Nexus to connect Harriet to the other guards and shoot Harriet with a powerful enough weapon to hit her with a headshot. Players should then take her Slab and Residuum before sneaking back to the entrance the same way they came in.

deathloop killing harriet

If players are spotted, then they might have to shoot their way through this. All the same, the same path is the optimal way to go when taking out Harriet. Players should also remember to either shut off the gas in the room using the lever to the right of where Harriet is standing.

Deathloop Is out now for PS5 and PC.

MORE: Deathloop Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help