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Deathloop is filled with unique weapons players should try their best to earn in order to even the odds against everyone in Blackreef who is trying to kill Colt. Most of these are earned through Arsenal Leads. A select few are simply stolen from corpses.

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The Constancy Automatic Legendary Automatic Pistol is one such weapon. This machine gun is powerful and useful both against NPCs and invading opponents from around the world. Its ability to shoot while reloading is invaluable. Players must take it from Frank's body after killing him at Fristad Rock in the morning. It is one of Deathloop's tougher encounters, so this guide explains the easiest and most efficient way to kill him and take his weapon.

Deactivating The Class Pass System

deathloop secret class pass door

Frank's pad is only accessible while wearing the class pass, which unfortunately deactivates all Slab Powers, including Reprise. There is a small series of steps one can do to bypass this small inconvenience. First, players need to take the class pass from the entrance in the morning and then leave the area. They should then go to Updaam in the noon and head across the bridge where Charlie set up his game Condition Detachment.

deathloop way to secret class pass door

In a cave underneath this building is a class pass door. The easiest way to access this area is to first go inside the building, head to the second floor, go to the end of the first hallway and take a right through the door. Once outside, take the next two lefts and head through it to see a document with a code that deactivates the class pass system.


With this code in hand, wait until the next day and return to Fristad Rock in the morning. Go to the entrance again but don't put on the class pass. Instead, climb to the roof and go straight across it to the other side.

deathloop duct

There are rocks below Colt to jump onto and a small alcove in the cliff has a small duct players can crawl through.

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On the other side there is a lock that deactivates all the locked doors using the code previously obtained in Updaam. Players are now free to roam about the area without having to worry about locked doors or losing the Slab Powers.

deathloop after duct

Killing Frank

deathloop frank's house stairs

Players need to head to the left and go up the stairs in front of Colt. Once up the stairs, turn around and head down the left side of the area. There are plenty of enemies here and turrets so be sure to remain in stealth and hack when necessary. Aether and Nexus Slab are good to have equipped here.

deathloop hallway to frank's room

At the end of the hallway is Frank's room, but the door to it is locked. However, to the left of the door is a hackable antenna. Once hacked, it reveals a red button that unlocks a door. Once the button is pressed, the guards investigate and leave the room.

deathloop frank's room

To immediately take them out, plant a hacked ballistic turret in front of the door. Frank should also be killed by the turret. If he isn't, he is pretty vulnerable and easy to take out when he is by himself. Colt then just needs to collect the weapon off his dead body and leave the area. The last thing players need to do is infuse the weapon to keep it through future loops.

Deathloop is out now for PS5 and PC.

MORE: Deathloop Complete Guide - Secrets, Tips, Guides, And Help