The newly announced survival horror game featuring dinosaurs, entitled Deathground, recently took to Kickstarter in order to help receive crowd-funding. As of writing, the game has nearly reached its goal.

The co-op survival horror title Deathground was recently announced by Jaw Drop Games, receiving an impressive reveal trailer and a Kickstarter campaign. The UK developers are asking for $101,340 (79,400 pounds) in funding, with the project currently over 90% funded. With the title getting additional backers during the time of writing, it's more than safe to say that the project will be successfully funded.

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The project looks heavily inspired by Jurassic Park as well as Capcom's classic horror series Dino Crisis. The game goes the co-op horror approach, with gameplay looking a bit similar to the Left 4 Dead series. The game also looks to be somewhat inspired by Alien Isolation, with the gameplay looking awfully similar and the enemy AI appearing to be incredibly intelligent with heightened senses.


With Dino Crisis no longer around and seemingly irrelevant, the gaming market lacks any major dinosaur horror franchise. With that genre niche currently vacant, Deathground could be the perfect title to fill it. The co-op survival horror sub-genre is also a fairly empty, with the upcoming Left 4 Dead reboot Back 4 Blood still years away. Deathground could scratch both itches at once.

The developers are no strangers to survival horror games it seems, as Jaw Drop Games is made up of developers from other studios who produced such titles as Soma, Depth, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, and even the aforementioned Alien: Isolation.

Fans are able to back the project until the Kickstarter campaign concludes on Friday, August 7th. The Kickstarter campaign does mention the possibility of adding stretch goals, if the project would to surpass its goal (which seems incredibly likely at this point). For those wishing to back the project, there's still plenty of time left and plenty of fun sounding rewards for those willing to pledge some extra cash, from the standard Raptor Edition that includes the digital edition of the game and your name in the credits for $20, to the insane Tyrannosaurus Rex Platinum Edition that costs a whopping $10,000.

Deathground is estimated to release sometime in Q2 of 2022 for all major platforms.

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Source: Kickstarter