Kojima's newest game Death Stranding is filled with all manner of mysteries. Some players are still trying to figure out exactly what's going on in the game, including how BBs can see the ghosts and why Monster Energy Drinks seem to be the only soda that survived into the apocalypse. But one of the biggest and most interested mysteries of the game is the Timefall storms.

Timefall storms are a big obstacle for Sam Porter Bridges and his quest to traverse the US on foot. The best way to deal with the storms, however, is easier than it looks.

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What are Timefalls?

Timefalls are a remnant of the Death Stranding, an apocalyptic event that blended the worlds of the dead with that of the living, bringing the very deadly and mysterious BTs into the world. They appear to be normal rainstorms until the water actually touches a person or equipment. In the opening scene of the game, it shows crows getting caught in the rain and instantly dying, the drizzle aging them so quickly that they fall right out of the sky. People who come in contact with Timefall water age so quickly that even the young turn wrinkled and old in a matter of seconds.

death stranding bike

The Timefall also ages the deliveries that Sam carries on his back, wearing away at the durability of the cases. Packages can be more easily damaged or can weather away completely if players aren't careful. The social connections in the world, like the ladders and bridges, will also eventually be torn down by the rain. Even worse than Timefall rain is Timefall snow, which impedes players' progress and deteriorates Sam's equipment even faster.

How to Avoid Timefalls

Timefalls are just a part of post-Death Stranding life for Sam. Players can hide out in caves and cities until the storm finishes, but this wastes a lot of time. Up until the third chapter, there's not much else to do to hide away from the rain. However, lucky for Sam, there is Repair Spray that can help to repair cases before they completely fall to pieces. Also, if players increase their carry capacity, they can strategically stack packages to help keep the rain off of certain, already damaged ones.

Another great way to avoid the Timefall is in vehicles. Well cared-for vehicles will hold more cargo than Sam can on his own. If trucks and bikes are repaired and cared for, players can speed through normal Timefalls without much of an issue and without too much damage to their stuff. If the Timefalls turn black, however, the vehicles will stop until the BTs move on.

The best way to avoid storm damage is to avoid storms all together. With the Fragile Jump, or Death Stranding's version of fast travel, players can move through space in an instant, meaning they won't have to worry about walking in the rain at all.

The final way to avoid weather is to use weather tracking. Players will eventually get weather tracking for their maps; here's a video to help players figure out how to keep track of the rain:

Keep Sam and the packages safe while knocking back some suddenly much more popular Monster Energy Drinks.

Death Stranding is available for PS4 and PC.

MORE: xQc Says Game Reviewers Who Gave Death Stranding Low Scores Are 'Trash'

Source: GameSpot