When it comes to developers who blur the line between the real world,  social commentary, and influence within their titles, Hideo Kojima has always been one who rarely shied away from such topics, especially with the Metal Gear series. The release of Death Stranding showed how Kojima envisioned the world through his creative eyes, yet the effects of the pandemic may have offered more insight on Death Stranding than initial thoughts would consider.

Over the course of the pandemic, many game developers were forced to adapt to different work conditions, adding a layer of mental fortitude that Kojima expresses during the Summer Game Fest as an inspiration to continue work on Death Stranding. While the effects of the pandemic led to trying times for the veteran game developer, the announcement trailer for the PS5's Director's Cut gave fans a flashback to nostalgic times that were anything but subtle in its references to Metal Gear Solid.

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The trailer begins with Death Stranding's protagonist, Sam, overlooking an underground bunker-like area with armed guards who appear to be moving in a formation. The layout of the bunker, including the behavioral patterns of the guards, bears immediate resemblance to the first level in Metal Gear Solid where Solid Snake begins his infiltration on Shadow Moses Island.

Subtle references aside, Sam quickly devises a plan to sneak past the guards upon inspecting a box of fruit in a curious manner. After emptying the box of fruit, Sam stares at the box, contemplating his next action, before deciding to humorously jump inside of the box in a crouched position. After several seconds, Sam ultimately returns the box in its original position almost in disbelief that he entertained the idea of walking the path of many a Snake before him.

The cardboard box has been synonymous with Metal Gear Solid as a series since its introduction in the original as one of the methods to move around in Shadow Moses Island as transport while hiding in a marked box. From Metal Gear Solid 2 onward, it has been a staple in hiding from enemies and sneakily moving about inconspicuously. Cardboard boxes became a part of Snake's charm, as it is referenced in various media including his Super Smash Bros reveal.

Fans of both Metal Gear and Death Stranding were able to appreciate the tongue-in-cheek reference to the former, considering the tumultuous history with Kojima and Konami. In 2015, the two parted ways after over a twenty-year partnership due to creative differences, in which Kojima Productions was created from his independence. While rumors of an Xbox-exclusive title remain in the discussion, Death Stranding: Director's Cut seems to be a PS5 exclusive, with fans expecting more references to Kojima's previous work.

Death Stranding is available on PS4 and Windows with a Director's Cut in development for PS5.

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