As the saying goes, money makes the world go round. This is entirely true for Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise, especially when the player accidentally hits someone they weren't supposed to and now needs to quickly cash out. Money is vital in Deadly Premonition 2, but it seems like actually gaining such a resource is never fully explained.

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Luckily, although Deadly Premonition 2 doesn't really explore how to make a lot of money quickly and efficiently, there are still to do it. In fact, there are quite a few different ways that involve a variety of adventures. Players can expect to make a bit of money as they go through the game, but it's always worth having a bit extra in the bank, especially when waiting for a quest to come around. Here's how to earn as much money as possible.

5 Skateboarding

Skateboarding on the street

Despite being a relatively cool but somewhat serious FBI detective, Deadly Premonition 2's York seems to still be in touch with his younger and more sporty side, especially when it comes to skateboarding his way through town.

Players can nimbly skate their way around the map, exploring the world around them or simply getting to and from specific quests faster than walking. However, skating around can also grant the player a decent around of money. This is primarily because York will get some money after completing certain milestones. A good thing to try at the beginning of the game is to skate towards all the fast-travel points to both capture them and get a bit of money on the side.

4 Job Board

Job Board selection

One of the best ways to get money in Deadly Premonition 2 is to work a job. It's how it typically works in most RPGs and real life: people have to work for their money. Luckily, there are readily available choices in this game, so players will rarely need to hunt down jobs.

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Simply head towards the Police Station and locate the Job Board. This will unlock side-quests which often have a monetary reward for York's service and hard work. Perhaps the only real downside to this is how vague some quests actually are. Many show a bit of frustration with the lack of description but hopefully, York and the player can use their expert FBI detective skills to start bringing in some extra cash when needed.


Shooting down a UFO

Now it's not particularly normal to see a UFO-type object flying in the sky, but when playing Deadly Premonition 2, that's probably one of the most normal aspects to come across. Players must either shrug the encounter off or simply stare right at it as it flies past. However, if the player is lucky enough to come across one of these, they shouldn't just stand there. Instead, they should shoot it down as quickly and accurately as possible.

Successfully shooting one of these UFOs down will grant a relatively small amount of money and a piece of useful material. It's not hundreds, but it's a decent way to earn extra cash when York happens to come across it. Just don't go hunting for them, or it might get a little boring due to how often they fly by. This method just requires a bit of aiming practice, patience, and a constant eye to the sky for a little extra cash.

2 Selling


If things start to get desperate and the player needs to make money quickly in this open-world game, then they will need to resort to more desperate and unadvised methods, like selling their items.

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This is far from recommended, and players should try to exhaust all other options before trying to rid themselves of precious items. However, if it's time-sensitive, there is always the option to sell things that players have picked up or found along the way. Just be sure to only sell what players are sure they will not need, or they may just live to regret it. If this option can be avoided, find another way to earn money, as different items will have their advantages and necessities as the game goes on.

1 Hunting

A dalmatian

While probably not the quickest or most cost-effective way to get quick cash in an open-world game like Deadly Premonitions 2, hunting is a way to bring in a small amount of cash for the trigger-happy players.

Simply killing everything in sight is not worth it, but any rare animal is ideal for a hunt and offers a way to bring in a small amount of cash. In the same way as the UFO, just keep an eye out for them rather than only searching for these animals, as this will make the game much easier and will stop mindless grinding as much as possible. Also, be careful around certain animals. Some will probably protest to being hunted if the player doesn't down them in one shot.

Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise is out now on Nintendo Switch and PC.

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