Every superhero needs a proper villain (or more than one). The same is true for superhero teams. The heroes of DC's Legends of Tomorrow have faced their fair share of villains since the show started airing. Some of them had stayed for a longer period of time, sometimes an entire season. Others showed up briefly and then were defeated or disappeared again.

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Whatever the case, some villains have left a bigger mark on the show and the characters than others. Not all of them were as remarkable as the best ones, but what they have in common is that they successfully managed to make the Legends' lives more difficult.

10 Valentina Vostok

Legends of Tomorrow Valentina Vostok smiling

Valentina is one of the side villains whose presence in the show is easy to forget, especially since it has been a while since she appeared in the first season. Valentina worked alongside Vandal Savage. She was smart, cunning, and charming.

Unfortunately, Valentina overestimated her own strength and died when she tried to merge with Martin Stein and form the superhero Firestorm. However, she did have some memorable scenes, such as her funny banter with Ray Palmer and Leonard Snart.

9 Time Masters

Legends of Tomorrow Time Masters with Vandal Savage

The Time Masters were a major force on the show but they never quite came across that way. Possibly because the major focus lay on Rip Hunter who abandoned the organization to defeat Vandal Savage once and for all.

It was later revealed that the Time Masters were working with Vandal Savage, a fact that didn't warm them to the viewers in the slightest.

8 Chronos

Legends of Tomorrow Chronos goes after the Legends

At first, it looked like Chronos was a mere lackey of the Time Masters who was doing their bidding. Chronos went after the Legends when they formed and he repeatedly attacked them, endangered their lives.

What makes Chronos slightly more interesting is that he was eventually revealed to be Mick Rory. Time Masters took control of Mick and transformed him into the assassin thanks to a complicated time loop. However, this storyline didn't last long and Mick soon returned to his normal existence.

7 Mallus

Legends of Tomorrow Mallus faces the Legends

Mallus didn't really get that much space, in person, anyway, since for the most part, he stood in the background. The powerful demon was best known for possessing Nora Darhk and acting through her. He didn't have as a strong character arc as other villains of the show.

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In the end, when he did show up, Mallus's overly CGI look diminished the impression he left by quite a bit. Nobody mourned Mallus when the heroes defeated him thanks to Beebo.

6 Vandal Savage

Legends of Tomorrow Vandal Savage holds the staff

Vandal Savage could have been a great villain, but he fell short of expectations. Maybe it was because of his unhealthy obsession with Kendra. He was jealous of Carter and wanted Kendra for himself.

Vandal was powerful and immortal but he mostly used his energy in the series to pursue a woman who wasn't interested in him. Many fans were glad when the heroes finally got rid of him for good.

5 Astra Logue

Legends of Tomorrow Astra Logue on board of the Waverider

It's easy to understand where Astra is coming from. She was trapped in Hell as a young girl and had to fight hard to survive. She became jaded and cynical. Astra's complex relationship with John Constantine has made the Legends' lives difficult on multiple occasions, most notably when she decided to kill the exorcist by giving him cancer.

However, just like Nora, Astra is not all bad. Astra temporarily joins the team and even though she struggles to open to other people, she eventually relaxes a little and becomes friendlier.

4 Tabitha And Neron

Legends of Tomorrow Tabitha Neron kissing

One villain is often good enough, but two are even better! Tabitha was a fairy godmother but unlike Nora, she disliked her job and used it to manipulate her wardens. She even tricked Nora into becoming the new fairy godmother. Tabitha worked closely with the demon Neron who was her lover.

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Neron was intelligent and cunning as he tricked Ray into giving him his body. Even though not all the fans might have liked the duo, there's no denying that they were a lot of fun to watch.

3 Nora Darhk

Legends of Tomorrow Nora Darhk in her cell

Nora Darhk is the ultimate proof that a villain can turn things around and become one of the good guys. As the daughter of Damien Darhk, Nora has had a rough childhood and she was possessed by a demon. However, once she freed herself of her father's influence, she eventually joined the team.

Nora is a kind person who enjoys her work as a fairy godmother and her relationship with Ray Palmer leads to one of the best storylines, romance-wise, on the show.

2 The Fates

Legends of Tomorrow Atropos and Lachesis

The Fates hold a high position because they're one of the few villains who actually defeated the team, for a time anyway. The Fates managed to rewrite reality to fit their purpose and if it wasn't for Charlie's defiance and the team's stubbornness, they might have stayed victorious.

Their most notable deeds include Lachesis tricking Astrid into working for her and Atropos killing Behrad.

1 Damien Darhk

Legends of Tomorrow Damien Darhk points a sword at Sara Lance

Damien Darhk is one of the most popular villains in the Arrowverse. He played a major part both on Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. In the second case, Damien Darhk joined forces with Malcolm Merlyn and Eobard Thawne but he stood out of the trio. Darhk was responsible for his daughter's possession and the family dynamic between him and Nora added a new lawyer to the show.

Darhk returned even after his death and reconciled with his daughter, even giving Nora away at her wedding. Damien Darhk's intelligence as well as a dry sense of humor made certain every scene with him was good.

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