Days Gone star Sam Witwer is likely a familiar face to gamers around the world, with most recognizing the actor for his portrayal of Starkiller in the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed series. In addition to his various roles, including the voice of Darth Maul in modern Star Wars projects, Witwer is also an avid gamer who hosts regular streams on his Twitch channel. So, with Days Gone now released, it seemed only fitting that Sam Witwer sit down and play the latest PS4 exclusive.

The full, first stream of Sam Witwer playing Days Gone can be seen below and it is well worth watching. It’s not the usual setup – he is using the PS4’s native streaming application instead of a PC – but the most important bits are Witwer’s anecdotes about making the game.

For any who have followed the development of Days Gone, Witwer gives some deeper insight into the game’s production. Right off the bat, he reveals that originally the flashbacks in the game were supposed to be delivered in chronological order, but the actor is now surprised to see the game open with a certain scene involving Deacon St. John and his wife, Sarah.

Witwer also discusses the tone of Days Gone and how that changed over the course of development. He reveals that the team at Sony Bend Studio originally tried to mix some humor with the darker elements but then opted for a more realistic approach with less joking around. For him, Witwer says that reshooting scenes was confusing and frustrating but the game’s director, John Garvin, explained that was part of the process. In fact, according to Witwer, this is par for the course on many Sony projects – iterating and tweaking the tone of the game's narrative.

What makes Sam Witwer’s stream (and future potential streams) so interesting is that they come from a side of development that isn’t often heard from. Actors usually promote a game by talking about the character or story, but Witwer seems to want to give his Twitch fans a larger peak behind the curtain. What’s more, Days Gone is a game that clearly went through a lot of changes between its inception and release, like Days Gone removing its choice system, and Witwer can offer some insight into what exactly happened.

Days Gone is available now for PS4.