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Part of the Dark Pictures Anthology, Man of Medan is a cinematic narrative branching horror game based on the urban legend surrounding the SS Ourang Medan, a supposed ghost ship that inhabited the Straits of Malacca. The game follows 5 friends on a diving trip that ends up going wrong. Though the bravest of souls can tackle the game alone, Man of Medan features coop options with up to 5 friends offline.

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The game also has multiple branching choices and playable characters can live or die depending on key decisions made by the player. Certain points throughout the game will have quick time events (QTEs) that will spell certain death should players be negligent. Fortunately, by following the right queues, players can easily save everyone aboard and off the cursed ghost ship.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

Saving Brad

The first key moment to saving the crew is to have Brad drink some beer with Conrad as this will help him not get discovered by the pirates that will later show up. Players can do this by selecting the Relaxed dialogue option. This should make Brad stay in bed whilst the others go diving.

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Much later when players control Brad once again during the locker scene, enter the locker room and open the locker that’s slightly ajar. This will lead to a quick jump scare. Walk away and it will open again, allowing players to acquire the gas mask. This mask is crucial as it will stop Brad from hallucinating later on. Brad should also avoid the bathroom as it will start a keep calm event, that will result in Brad getting captured should players fail the QTE.

Saving Conrad

Man of medan sean ashmore conrad

When the break-in occurs, players will assume the role of Conrad. For him to survive, players must complete the keep calm event, otherwise, he won’t be able to escape the boat. Players will then have the option to go for the knife or just escape. Choose the escape option and succeed at all the QTEs. If players miss the last one, Conrad will die and will be unable to come back later to help the other characters.

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A note is that Conrad can only come back and save the others if the Duke of Milan’s distributor is destroyed, something that will be covered later.

Saving Julia

When the characters go diving, make sure that Julia decompresses. If players don’t do this and she has a beer, Julia will die at the end of the game due to the bends. Players can do this by selecting the Cautious dialogue option followed by the Reluctant option.

During the escape from the pirates and Olson, players will once again assume the role of Julia. Here, the goal will be to nail every QTE, as messing up will increase the chances of Julia or Alex meeting their demise. Players should select the option to Run as the Jump option just increases the amount of QTEs. When the players exit the door and escape Olson, nail the QTE and slam Olson in the head as this will ensure that Julia and Alex make it to safety. After this, all 4 characters - Julia, Fliss, Alex, and Brad will be together in the final act (if things are going to plan).

Saving Fliss

When controlling Fliss, players will want to ensure that Brad remains hidden. Players can do this by selecting the Optimistic dialogue option. When put away in a room by the pirates, players make Fliss distract them instead of blocking the door. Later on, when the vent is broken through, replace the storage box as it will let players out of a keep calm event and will ensure that everyone stays hidden. Later when players take control of Fliss in the hallway, make sure every QTE is nailed as failing the first 2 will result in her death.

In the next room as Fliss (after the chase), the players' goal will be to finish their task as soon as possible. Avoid exploring or looking around as much as possible and pull the lever at the back of the room. This will open the curtain and allow Fliss to access the next room. Head to the back door quickly as this will give Fliss enough fresh air to prevent hallucinating later.

Lastly, have Fliss go to the room with the lever so she can avoid the gas. A cutscene will then play and if Fliss doesn’t hallucinate and see Brad, resulting in her fleeing, that’s a good sign as the gas didn’t get to her. Fliss and Brad should encounter one another and if things go well, they will team up for the next level.

When teamed up, someone will have to go down into the room below that’s filled with water. If Brad is selected to go down, have Fliss search for something. Fliss will find a broken spear and will then be given the choice to smash the hinge or force the lock. Smashing the hinge twice will save Brad from drowning. Alternatively, if Fliss went down, have Brad also smash the hinge as doing this will both ensure that the two will float to safety.

Saving Alex

As the group progresses through the game after meeting up, they will then need to go to the generator. As Alex, have Brad go down by selecting the Encouraging dialogue option. As a result, Julia will go down with him. There will later be an opportunity to grab a Rebreather, players should grab this option as it will save 2 characters. Players can do this by selecting the Assertive dialogue option. In the encounter with Junior, players will need to say the right things otherwise he will shoot Julia or if players stay silent, Junior will target Brad. To avoid this, select the Curious dialogue choice followed by the Worried dialogue choice. As a last resort, select the Desperate option as Junior will become suicidal and players can grab the gun and use the rebreather on Junior.

After the intense Junior scene, Alex will go down to check on Brad and Julia. A Keep Calm event will ensue once he jumps down, but players won’t need to succeed as Olson will run away regardless. When Alex finds Olson dead in the kitchen, have Alex pick up the rats to go for the distributor cap. Players should purposely fail this event so the distributor cap gets destroyed. The reason why it needs to be destroyed is so that Conrad can come back and pick everyone up at the end. Finally, Alex will have a final QTE where he will encounter a monstrous creature. Let this QTE time out as acting out aggressively will lead to either Alex or Fliss dying.

Man of Medan is currently available on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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