It's a great time for any Nintendo Switch owners that have been curious about the Danganronpa series but never took the dive, as the newest release, Danganronpa Decadence, includes all three mainline entries within the series (and more). However, it can be a bit overwhelming when jumping into a franchise that's been so incredibly prolific for years.

RELATED: The Best (and Worst) Danganronpa Trials

While it's always fun to try things going in fresh with no context or pointers, some anxious newcomers may not want to go in completely blind. For any new fans that want a few pieces of general advice for getting things started, here's a list to keep close by when beginning the long journey that is Danganronpa.

While this article does not contain spoilers, some of the links contained in it do! Click at your own risk!

8 Avoid Looking Things Up

Danganronpa V3 Spoiler Culprit

The most important rule for any new Danganronpa fan is to stay away from any source of spoilers as much as possible! The whole experience can be ruined with a single picture or piece of dialogue, giving away the entire result of a trial.

As tempting as it is, try not to look anything up during the first playthrough; it's worth going in blind to get a true first experience. This way, not only will each and every twist and reveal will be a complete surprise, but it will also make the first playthrough feel more "authentic" with no outside assistance.

7 Don't Feel Pressured To Know The Entire Cast Right Away

Danganronpa 1 & 2 Cast

At first glance, it may seem impossible to get properly acquainted with each and every cast member by the end of the games and that's because it's not really possible. To get a good idea of each character involves spending free time events with them and there just aren't enough slots in order to max out friendship with everyone.

But don't be discouraged just yet, the storyline and individual trials will still naturally allow each character their time in the spotlight. It may feel a bit overwhelming in the beginning stages, but allow the story to progress, and eventually, everyone will feel like old familiar friends.

6 Set Time Aside For Every Session

Danganronpa Class Trial

This series isn't exactly known for creating games to sit back and relax with; Danganronpa can be intense, nerve-wracking, and incredibly heavy at times. While each story and trial are fascinating, they can be a bit draining after hours on end. It's best to allocate a good chunk of time aside for each session rather than picking it up at a whim during free time throughout the day.

Trials can last for long periods of time and it's not exactly the best idea to leave in the middle of an investigation. Putting the game on pause for a few days or weeks can stop the flow of the investigation and make it difficult to remember all key clues and pieces of evidence.

5 Don't Skip Dialogue

Monokuma tests the emergency broadcast system

While this is a great tip for anyone that is starting any kind of RPG or story-based game, reading dialogue thoroughly is particularly important for those that are looking to begin their journey into the world of Danganronpa as it is, at its core, a visual novel. Clues can be found everywhere and aside from the physical pieces of evidence found throughout a crime scene, there are clues found in the dialogue.

RELATED: Danganronpa: Things You'll Only Know If You Watched The Anime

Pay close attention to what everyone has to say; don't get lazy and skip through it to get to the trial. Certain key points may be highlighted from time to time, but it's still a good practice to be diligent with reading all text carefully; a trial may depend on it!

4 Don't Play Favorites

Danganronpa Trial

Every Danganronpa cast has its charm and will likely have a character or two that players may favor over the others; however, this is a bad practice and can prove to be detrimental when it comes to finding a culprit. The moment when favoritism kicks in during a trial, things go awry.

Despite how adorable or cool a character may be and how much free time players have spent with them, it's always a good idea to play things as unbiased as possible. Being objective is crucial to being able to see the facts for what they are. Being blinded by one's own feelings for a character can cost the entire trial.

3 Give Everyone A Chance

A scene featuring characters from Danganronpa

On the other side of playing favorites and turning a blind eye to damning evidence is jumping to conclusions out of pure spite. There will always be a few characters that players may like right off the bat, but it's also rather common to have some characters that don't make as charming of a first impression. It may be tempting to give in to that bias and point fingers right away, but try and take a step back before condemning that seemingly abrasive member of the group.

RELATED: Danganronpa: Characters We Loved (& Some We Wish Died Immediately)

Danganronpa is known to present characters in a cold, rude, or irritating way, just to have them warm up to the protagonist by the end of the game. Don't be too harsh or judge too quickly; characters can turn a new leaf at any given moment.

Who knows, perhaps that infuriating character will end up being a favorite by the end of the series.

2 Spend Free Time Wisely

Danganronpa V3 Rantaro Free Time Event

Free time is precious in the Danganronpa series; just because there is a Killing Game taking place, that doesn't mean there isn't any time for fun hangouts and activities. Aside from the fantastic puzzles each investigation and trial present, there is the colorful cast that naturally draws players to the series as well.

Although it's best not to play favorites during trials, it's always a good idea to pick out a few characters that pique interest. That way, new players can prioritize who they'll spend their free time with.

It's impossible to get to thoroughly know each character in a single playthrough, so for players that consider their first run of a game the "true" one, it's best to prioritize who to befriend first.

1 Don't Get Too Attached

Danganronpa 1 & 2 Reload

Danganronpa isn't a game for the faint of heart. As sad as it is, distancing oneself from the cast may be one of the best pieces of advice to any newcomer. It's no secret that many characters die in each game in the series, so it's just a matter of which ones in particular will experience a bloody execution.

The series isn't shy about breaking a few hearts while telling its story. Each trial is immersive and can make players go through a flurry of emotions the entire time. The cast may be a huge pull for new players, but (as dark as it is) it is best to befriend each member of the cast knowing well that their untimely demise may be approaching.

Danganronpa Decadence is available on the Nintendo Switch.

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