Cyberpunk 2077 is an excellent open-world RPG that takes place in and around Night City. This urban landscape is a delicious mess that is a joy to explore, and it helps that post-launch support by CD Projekt Red has salvaged the reputation of this franchise and compelled more and more people to check out this amazing title.

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Given the sheer number of things that players can accomplish in Cyberpunk 2077, it goes without saying that there are several things that players will be stoked to accomplish in the game. However, there are actually several things in the game that players can completely miss out on if they don't pay a ton of attention, opt for certain decisions over others, or don't explore and experiment around with different options. The most notable things that players can miss out on in Cyberpunk 2077 are mentioned below.

10 Get Johnny's Porsche

Cyberpunk 2077 The Porsche 911 II (930) Turbo Parked In A Garage

Johnny's signature Porsche is a great vehicle that players will definitely love to drive in the game. However, there are many players who might take a particular choice that prevents them from gaining access to this car.

During a mission with Rogue, players will encounter a man by the name of Jeremiah Grayson. Most players would be compelled to kill one of Smasher's closest allies, but players who decide to save his life will gain access to Johnny's Porsche inside a shipping container. This vehicle can still be obtained if players choose to kill him outright, but the method to do so will be hidden.

9 Interact With An Engram Of Jackie


Jackie Welles is V's closest friend in Night City, making his fate after the botched Arasaka heist that much harder to swallow. However, players can actually unlock some interesting interactions with this character if they choose to send Jackie's body to Viktor after his demise.

The body is intercepted by Arasaka and used by their own twisted experiments, leading to V getting the opportunity to interact with an engram of Jackie during the ending if he chooses to help Hanako. They also unlock another interaction with Jackie before meeting up with Alt in cyberspace too!

8 Save Goro Takemura

Cyberpunk 2077 Goro Takemura Meeting V On The Sidewalk

Takemura is a pretty interesting character who V interacts with over the course of the game after the botched Arasaka heist. He seeks justice against Yorinobu Arasaka and goes so far as to save V to achieve this goal.

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V can return the favor when Arasaka storm them while talking to Hanako about the truth of Saburo Arasaka's death. It's not made abundantly clear to players, but they can go back to where they'd fallen down from to help Takemura against the Arasaka squad that was sent to eliminate them.

7 Meet Up With Meredith Stout Again... Privately

Cyberpunk 2077 meredith stout

The Pickup is one of the more memorable quests in the game, with the act of taking a Flathead branching out into several options that involve Militech and Maelstrom quite a bit. If players decided to go against Maelstrom and have met up with Meredith Stout before, then she appears at the end of the shootout.

After finishing this mission, players can actually propose a meetup of the more informal variety with her over time. This leads to players going to the No-Tell Motel and engaging in a bit of quality time with this character.

6 Miss Out On Panam's Questline After Messing Around For Too Long

cyberpunk 2077 panam

Panam is a romance option for male V who is a pretty interesting character in her own right. Her confrontations with Saul and the bond she shares with the Aldecaldos are genuinely heartwarming.

However, players who initiate the Riders on the Storm quest only to move away from the place where he's been kidnapped will lead to his death. This will end the questline with Panam prematurely, locking out players from a great romance and one of the paths players can take to reach the game's ending.

5 Call Jackie And "Talk" To Him


Jackie's death weighs heavily on V's heart long after his funeral. His contact also remains on V's phone, and players can actually call him beyond the grave for one of the title's more poignant moments.

V decides to call Jackie and update him on all the events of the game so far. It's a simple moment that V acknowledges as ridiculous, but the fact that he can't move on from his best friend's death is a sad thing to witness indeed.

4 Play Roach Race

A player playing the arcade game Roach Race in Cyberpunk 2077

The Edgerunners update brought a ton of attention to Cyberpunk 2077, prompting many players to go through this title for the first time or take another swing at it. It added many things to the game, including the arcade game "Roach Life," which serves as a fun little nod to another popular CD Projekt Red title.

Controlling Roach in the various arcade machines scattered throughout the world and reaching the highest score is quite fun. It might seem like a distraction, but there's no denying that such small additions do a great job of adding to Cyberpunk 2077's immersion.

3 Commit Suicide And Not Endanger Anyone's Life

The suicide ending in Cyberpunk 2077

The endings of Cyberpunk 2077 are all pretty fleshed out and emotional. One of the endings that players can unlock involves V ending things with a bullet to their head without pulling anyone else into their mess.

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It's a poignant ending where players get to share a great moment with Johnny before ending it all. The holocalls during the credits hit differently, with everyone absolutely distraught about what V did.

2 Steal Judy's Van

Judy in Cyberpunk 2077

Judy Alvarez is a great character who makes and sells braindances. She serves as a romance option for female V and plays a focal role in a storyline that involves Evelyn Parker.

During missions where her van is out in the open, players can straight up take her vehicle and drive away. Judy actually acknowledges this theft with a series of text messages, although she does seem surprisingly fine with it.

1 Access A Secret Ending Path Where V Storms Arasaka Tower Alone


Depending on certain dialogue choices that V made along the way with Johnny, they actually get an opportunity to unlock a secret ending near the end. This sequence sees V storming Arasaka Tower alone without anyone's help, which makes for a pretty entertaining ending.

The options at the end are pretty much the same as when Johnny takes over V's body. However, the idea of storming through Arasaka and beating up the toughest enemies in the game before completely annihilating Adam Smasher makes for a wild and engaging ride that players will have a great time with.

MORE: Cyberpunk 2077: All Endings Explained