In Night City, not everybody gets what they deserve. Cyberpunk 2077 as a whole has some very interesting revenge and justice ideas that are passed to its characters, sometimes in the form of action and sometimes in the form of “they had it coming.”

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But not all characters in this universe are treated equally by fate (or the writers of the game) and seeing them suffer throughout the game makes the fans want to get down on their knees and shout “Why?” to the wind. Even at the times when the characters do have it coming, the gamers can’t help but hope that at least some of them could get their happy ending.

6 Rogue

Cyberpunk 2077 Rogue

She is tough, she is beautiful, and she is loyal. And yet…Rogue Amendiares is one of the few characters in Cyberpunk 2077 that shows how much she has grown since the early days with Silverhand, but even so, when the past comes knocking, she can’t help but answer.

Unfortunately, that will lead either to her demise or to an unsatisfied ending for the story of Silverhand and Rogue. It heavily depends on what the player will choose to do, but even if they try to make Rogue live, that means she will never truly get to fight for her revenge on Smasher.

5 Delamain

Cyberpunk 2077 Delamain

In Cyberpunk 2077, AI and humans live very close to each other, which means that the gamers feel the same pain if an AI is hurt as they would feel with a human. Enter Delamain. Even though the quests that Delaimain gives V are slightly annoying (who wants to run across the whole Night City finding rogue cabs who are out of their mind?).

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At the end of the mission, the player would have to choose whether they destroy Delamain or his children or merge them. All of those choices lead to heartbreak, one way or the other, with the best one being for Delamain to depart from Night City, more emotionally confused than ever (or is he?).

4 Judy Alvarez

Cyberpunk 2077 Judy Alvarez

Judy did not have an easy start in life, and the rest of it continued in the same way. She plays tough, but she is a very sensitive creature who cares deeply about the people that are close to her, just as she would come to care about V. Especially in the case that V is a woman, Judy might or might not have an unrequited love as well.

Throughout the game, Judy and V will try to help their mutual contact (and friend) Evelyn, but things will just get messier and ultimately, they will not be able to help her. But even after that, in another mission with V, no matter what the player chooses, Judy would be either shocked, frustrated, or disappointed. And all of them to the max. The ending is not that happy for her either, no matter what the player chooses, or at least, it seems not to be.

3 Evelyn Parker

Cyberpunk 2077 Evelyn Parker

A very tragic figure in the game, Evelyn Parker has one of the worst fates imaginable and a lot of fans were appalled by what happened to her. Upon first meeting her, she seems to be a very cool person that has it all under control, but the truth couldn’t be further away.

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The Voodoo Boys, in an attempt to quiet her, released a virus on her. She survived their attempt, but her cyberware was so damaged that she couldn’t do anything, remaining in a coma-like state, while understanding everything that was happening around her. And then everything went terrible, with Evelyn being abused and tossed from one person to another, all of whom tried to take advantage of her in their own ways. Once Judy and V found her, they tried and managed to bring back some part of her, but she was so traumatized that she committed suicide.

2 Jackie Welles

Cyberpunk 2077 Jackie Welles

He could be considered a father figure to V as well as their best friend, since he is the one that brought them “back to life,” meaning that more or less V was under Jackie’s protection and worked with him on numerous missions. He was loyal and very family-oriented and loved to plan for a different life for himself and his people.

When Jackie and V were recruited by Dexter DeShawn for the big heist at the beginning of the game, Jackie got all too excited, thinking that this was his big chance to get away from it all. Unfortunately for everyone involved, Jackie was wounded just before he and V manage to get away from the heist, and he died shortly after, leaving V and the fans to mourn him and recover from the shock.

1 Kerry Eurodyne

Cyberpunk 2077 Kerry Eurodyne

Kerry might live and act as your typical rock star from the past, but shortly after meeting him, V will realize that the guy is as loyal and good-hearted as they come. He fiercely loved Johnny Silverhand, his bandmate, and never truly recovered from losing him. There were even rumors that things got so bad that he tried to commit suicide.

If the player chooses a masculine body for V, then Kerry could also be a love option, and after a couple of adventures the two of them will have together, Kerry will have made some significant progress in his own psychological problems. But if V rejects him, it kind of all goes to waste. If V doesn’t reject him, depending on the ending, Kerry will probably also have another breakdown when he learns what happened.

Cyberpunk 2077 is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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