In the first part of the War Under Shattered Skies update for Cookie Run: Kingdom, two new cookies were released. One is the Tea Knight cookie, and the other is a new support unit called the Eclair Cookie.

Eclair is a middle-position support cookie in Cookie Run: Kingdom that can not only attack, but also shield friendly targets and weaken enemy ones. This Epic cookie was released in the version 2.6.001 update on January 19, 2022. In the lore of the game, this regal cookie is a museum curator and a dragon-fighter Cookie historian. Eclair's scholarly nature doesn't stop him from destroying enemies and boosting his friends in battle, however.

RELATED: Cookie Run: Who is Gingerbrave?

  • Casts a Weakness Debuff to the 3 enemies with the highest attack for 10 seconds with 8 additional seconds for each stack (up to 4)
  • If an enemy dies while Weakness is active on it, all allies gain and HP Shield: +25.0% of Max HP for 3.0 sec
  • Single hit DMG: 480.6% (+6.54% DMG per level) with a 16-second cooldown

Since Eclair's friendly-target-boosting abilities are on a fairly long cooldown timer, so the best possible Topping for this support character in most Cookie Run: Kingdom team comps is Swift Chocolate. When an Eclair cookie reaches level 30 or higher and has access to five equipment slots, players can get an additional cooldown reduction for equipping Swift Chocolate of any level to all five slots.

  • Swift Chocolate level 1 reduces cooldown by 0.4% for each one equipped
  • Swift Chocolate level 2 reduces cooldown by 1.1% for each one equipped
  • Swift Chocolate level 3 reduces cooldown by 1.8% for each one equipped
  • Equip 5 bonus: +5% Cooldown time reduction

If Cookie Run: Kingdom players don't have enough Swift Chocolate to fill out all of his slots, Eclair can also benefit from Searing Raspberry. These too-hot fruits will boost his attack power, and they have a bonus stat at three and five units equipped.

  • Searing Raspberry level 1 adds 1% ATK
  • Searing Raspberry level 2 adds 2% ATK
  • Searing Raspberry level 3 adds 3% ATK
  • Equip 3 bonus: adds 3% ATK
  • Equip 5 bonus: adds 5% ATK

So while the best Toppings for Eclair are five Swift Chocolate, players may also find a lot of benefits from three Searing Raspberry and two Swift Chocolate in this mobile game called Cookie Run: Kingdom.

Cookie Run: Kingdom is available now on Android and iOS devices.

MORE: Cookie Run Kingdom: How to Beat Stage 11-27

Source: Wiki