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Classroom of the Elite was among 2017's best anime shows. The psychological slice-of-life anime appears to be like the regular kind until the story delves deeper, drawing viewers into a merit-based world in which students have to scramble to the top using different means - fair or underhanded. Classroom of the Elite draws heavily from reality, as evidenced by the mannerisms of some of the story's characters when facing different situations.

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The story's plot features Ayankoji Kiyotaka, an introverted character who enrolls in Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School: a school that runs a unique system that acknowledges the meritorious actions of its students. Posted to Class D, Ayanakoji Kiyotaka meets Horikita Suzune. Although they develop an awkward relationship, both characters saved their classmates from critical situations that could have worsened their position as the school's underdogs.

Classroom of the Elite Statistics Charts


Classroom of the Elite is based on light novels, so the series hosts three different forms: Light novels, manga, and anime. In both the light novels and the anime, Classroom of the Elite has various characters with interesting personalities and mannerisms. The main character is a sociopath with an introverted facemask. Kushiida, on the other hand, covers up her psychopathic tendencies with a pleasant and friendly disposition.

Updated 13th September by Emedo Destiny: Classroom of the Elite is a must-see slice-of-life anime for fans of the psychological genre. Season 1 of the series is an enjoyable watch from start to finish. On the other hand, season 2 offers nothing less. Season 2 of Classroom of the Elite debuted recently and has brought new main characters to the spotlight. These characters are central to the story’s plot and have noticeably improved the show’s value. Characters like Karuizawa Kei showed viewers how much bullying affects the bullied mental state. The character archetypes in Classroom of the Elite are diverse, and these are some of the main characters’ age, heights, and birthdays.

Every Classroom of the Elite Main and Secondary Character's Age, Height & Birthday





Ayanakoji Kiyotaka


October 20th

5'9" / 176cm

Suzune Horikita


February 15th

5'1.5" / 156cm

Kikyo Kushida


January 23rd

5'1" / 155cm

Yosuke Hirata


September 1st

5'8.5" / 174cm

Airi Sakura


October 15th

5'0" / 153cm

Ken Sudo


October 5th

6'0" / 183cm

Haruki Yamauchi


May 30th

5'6" / 168cm

Honami Ichinose


July 20th

5'2.5" / 159cm

Kanji Ike


June 16th

5'3" / 160cm

Manabu Horikita


April 24th

5'10" / 178cm

Karuizawa Kei


March 8th

5'0.5" / 154cm

Koenji Rokusuke


April 3rd

5'11" / 181cm

Ryuen Kakeru


October 20th

5'8" / 173cm

Yukimura Teruhiko


July 11th


Arisu Sakanayagi


March 12th

4'11" / 150cm

Kiyotaka Ayanokōji


Kiyotaka Ayanakoji is a first-year student at Advanced Nurturing High School and the main protagonist of Classroom of the Elite. Despite appearing to be an average student, which is quite questionable, Ayanakoji is a perceptive character that figures out the best way to resolve messy situations with him in the background.

Despite his social awkwardness and introverted nature, he is intelligent enough to butt in when his classmates are in unpleasant situations. For instance, he helped Airi Sakura get rid of her stalker and stopped Ken Sudo from getting expelled. However, viewers can't conclude from his good-willed actions that he is a benevolent person. The last episode of Classroom of the Elite establishes that fact. Ayanakoji believes that everyone is a tool, so all his kind actions may be laced with hidden intentions.

Suzune Horikita

horikita suzune

Suzune Horikita is one of the main characters of the show. Aiming to become a member of Class A, Horikita puts all her efforts into studying, allowing her to pass with excellent grades. It is even a surprise that she ended up in Class D despite her apparent skill. Maybe the series will reveal the reason later on? Horikita possesses a brusque and unwelcome personality, and, for this reason, most of her classmates are wary of approaching her.

However, by chance, Suzune developed a one-of-a-kind relationship with Ayanakoji since she could perceive that Ayanakoji was more intelligent than he let on. In the last episode of the series, Ayanakoji let Horikita take the praise for allowing Class D to pass the Uninhabited Island test excellently, setting her up as a well-admired character by her grateful classmates.

Kikyō Kushida

kikyo kushida

Kikyo Kushida is one of the main characters of Classroom of the Elite. She is popular among her classmates due to her friendly personality and attractiveness. Kushida is the opposite of Ayanakoji and Suzune – who prefer to stay in the background. She revels in the attention she gets and even boasts about her fame occasionally.

Due to her pop-star personality, she hated Horikita Suzune for attracting the attention of a good number of Class D members. Unfortunately, when she revealed the darker side of her personality, Ayanakoji witnessed it. She threatened him with sexual assault accusations if he divulged her secret, revealing her darker side. Kushida’s personality changes quickly, so it’s hard to tell which personality harbors the real Kushida.

Yōsuke Hirata

yosuke hirata

Yosuke is one of the main characters of Classroom of the Elite. His friendly and welcoming nature earned him the position of Class-D representative, increasing his importance in the low-ranking class. Undoubtedly, Hirata has saved his classmates from tricky situations, showing sound qualities as an intelligent leader.

RELATED: Classroom of the Elite: What to Expect in Season 2

Yosuke's ability to think about the "greater good" was revealed during the Uninhabited Island Test saga, where he managed to ease the minds of everyone concerning the stolen underwear issue. Hirata's easygoing nature also allows him to be popular among his classmates and the whole school.

Airi Sakura

sakura airi

Airi Sakura is a former gravure idol and a member of Class 1-D. She uses her glasses to conceal the fact that she is an idol to prevent recognition from her fans or people who know her. Unfortunately, her plan wasn't foolproof, as she was consistently trailed and almost assaulted by a stalker until Ayanakoji foiled his plans.

Airi is a shy girl that keeps a low profile. However, unlike Ayanakoji, she shies away completely from public attention. Airi Sakura harbors feelings of affection for Ayanakoji after he saves her from the stalker, shows concern for her well-being, and constantly encourages her. Due to Ayanakoji’s efforts, Airi managed to partially overcome her social anxiety and awkwardness.

Ken Sudō

ken sudo

Ken Sudo is the black sheep of Class D and was close to reducing the class' chances of earning more points. Although he really isn't a bad person, his hot-headedness and his inability to think before acting put him into trouble with Class C. If not for Ayanakoji and Horikita’s input, he would have been suspended from school based on actions he wasn’t guilty of.

Ken has no interest in academics and wants to be a basketball player even at the cost of his grades. However, after conversing with Horikita, he decided to change for the better and put more effort into his academic work, so he could continue to play the basketball he loves.

Haruki Yamauchi

haruki yamauchi

Usually, in slice-of-life anime involving classrooms, there is always that character that acts silly and is considered idiotic by members of his class. Well, Yamauchi fits that category. Similar to his perverted friends, he enjoys performing questionable acts such as peeping on the girls in the changing room.

Yamauchi is attracted to Sakura and Haruka due to their attractive bodies. He mentioned his interest in Sakura to Ayanakoji and his foolhardy belief that she would become romantically attracted to him if he acted nicely to her. Most of Yamauchi’s actions serve as comic relief for the entire series.

Honami Ichinose

honami ichinose

Honami Ichinose is the 1-B class representative and is one of the central figures of Classroom of the Elite with an open zeal to become a member of Class A. Honami is not only intelligent but also kind-hearted towards other people in need. Her charisma and excellent social skills are part of the reason why she performs so well as a class representative.

Similar to characters like Yosuke Hirata and Kikyo Kushida, Honami is popular among students – her good-natured personality being part of the reason. Later on, in Classroom of the Elite, Honami is sure to play central roles involving Class 1-D & Ayanakoji.

Kanji Ike

kanji ike

Kanji Ike is one of Haruki Yamauchi’s close friends, so he tends to be similar character-wise. In fact, he is part of the comical "3 Idiots of D-Class." At the start of the series, Kanji was among the students that spent all his points acquiring materialistic items that he didn't need instead of saving them. Like his friend, Yamauchi, Kanji Ike is quite the pervert and enjoys the thrill of peeping at girls in questionable situations.

RELATED: Classroom Of The Elite: What Is The White Room?

Kanji is attracted to Kikyo Kushida, and, unlike the air-headed Yamauchi, he possesses sound communication skills. Surprisingly, his camping skills helped his classmates during the Uninhabited Island Survival test.

Manabu Horikita

horikita manabu smiling

Manabu Horikita is the former Student Council President and the brother of Suzune Horikita. Similar to most Student Council Presidents in the anime franchise, he wields an absurd amount of power. Horikita is an intelligent and serious-looking individual that carries out his presidential duties with dedication and commitment.

Manabu is ashamed that his sister is in D-Class. He even tries assaulting her but is prevented by Ayanakoji, allowing viewers to catch a glimpse at his athletic abilities. Horikita holds visible admiration for Ayanakoji and even offered him a position in the Student Council. With news of a second season of Classroom of the Elite, anime-only fans can only hope that the show shares more info on Manabu Horikita.

Karuizawa Kei

karuizawa kei

Karuizwa was first introduced as just Hirata’s girlfriend in season 1 of Classroom of the Elite; however, season 2 provided more information regarding the character and her past. Karuizawa is a victim of bullying, and therefore, she relies on people to protect her and make her feel safe. This is why she was in a make-believe relationship with Hirata before Ayanokoji vowed to protect her.

In her newfound friendship of convenience Karuizawa shared with Ayanokoji, she soon developed feelings for him but was soon disappointed since Ayanokoji was entirely dismissive of her feelings. Regardless of these, with Horikita and Ayanokoji, she helped Class 1-D pass through difficult obstacles that would have been disastrous for the low-ranked class.

Koenji Rokusuke

koenji rokusuke

On the surface, Koenji appears to be only a self-absorbed character who cares about his looks and desires. Frankly speaking, these negative qualities are spot-on, as Koenji himself stated that he didn’t care about Class 1-D’s performance. However, beyond the surface, Koenji is an intelligent character and is probably one of the smartest in Class 1-D.

During the Cruise Ship test, he managed to figure out the best way to clear the test in a short period, so he could be free to do what he wanted. If Koenj wasn’t so selfish, he holds the potential to be a formidable student at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.

Ryuen Kakeru

ryuen kakeru

Ryuen Kakeru is one of the central antagonists in the Classroom of the Elite season 2. As the leader of Class C who wields a lot of fear-driven power over his classmates, Ryuen often clashes with Class D in tests organized by the school. Despite his wittiness and intelligence, Ryuen prefers handling situations with violence.

RELATED: How Classroom of the Elite Explores Social Darwinism

In season 1, he never considered Class D as a threat to his class’s success; however, after Class D’s stellar record on the island test and further achievements, he became obsessed with determining the identity of Class D’s mastermind. However, when he eventually makes his discovery, it becomes more than what he can handle.

Yukimura Teruhiko

yukimura teruhiko

Yukimura is one of the important side characters in Classroom of the Elite. In the first season of the show, he mainly looked down on his classmates and never truly worked with them. However, this changed in season 2 after he agreed to tutor students alongside Ayanokoji to pass the Paper Shuffle exam.

Yukimura possesses above-average academic excellence; however, due to his non-athleticism, he was placed in Class 1-D. Eventually, Yukimura bonded with some of his classmates, becoming one of Class D’s assets.

Arisu Sakanayagi

arisu sakanayagi

Arisu was revealed shortly in season 1 of the series. However, she was given more screen time in season 2, with her appearance in Ryuen’s clash with Koenji. Arisu is the class representative of Class 1-A and is among the smartest characters in the series. She enjoys toying with people and she is adept at manipulating others to conform to her will.

Arisu is one of the few characters that has known Ayanokoji since his time in the White Room. She dislikes him and what he represents and hopes to prove that a natural genius will always be better than one that was taught to be one. To achieve this goal, she wants to beat Ayanokoji at his own game; however, sadly, her goals won’t be fulfilled anytime soon since Ayanokji never engages in any duel except it’s important.

MORE: Classroom Of The Elite: The Most Intelligent Characters In The Anime, Ranked