Chorus will have some open-world gameplay and minimal loading screens, confirms developer FishLabs. FishLabs announced Chorus yesterday at the Xbox Series X event, revealing gameplay that showed a character named Nara flying a sentient spaceship.

Speaking to Eurogamer, FishLabs head of core technology Johannes Kuhlmann confirmed that Chorus "has quite a few open world elements" and that players will be able to "freely roam around and explore different locations." The information under the game's trailer says that players will be able to "explore sprawling space stations and trading hubs," which could be some of the open-world areas that Kuhlmann is talking about.

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However, players may have to sit through some loading screens before they get into Chorus gameplay. Kuhlmann confirmed that the game loads things in the background but there "a few loading screens in place." The PS5 and Xbox Series X specs do support much faster in-game load times, though, and Kuhlmann says that the developer may be able to "get rid of them or some of them completely, or we can at least minimize the time spent on loading screens."

Chorus game

Kuhlmann doesn't say when fans will be able to see more of the open-world Chorus gameplay that's been teased. The game's announcement trailer wasn't as lacking in gameplay as trailers for other games, like Assassin's Creed Valhalla, but it did leave fans wanting to see more. The Chorus story, which sees Nara fighting against a group called the Circle and their leader, Great Prophet, was also teased but fans will want to know more about the player character and her past.

Unlike Xbox Series X launch title Call of the Sea and The Medium, which will also be available on the console in 2020, fans will have a longer wait for Chorus. This means that the development team will have longer to work on getting rid of those loading screens and to share more information about its open-world gameplay.

FishLabs hasn't said when the next announcement about the game could come and the only tweets about the game on the official Twitter accounts for Chorus and FishLabs are of the new trailer. It is possible that it could feature at one of the several Xbox Series X events planned for the year, but nothing has been officially confirmed.

Chorus will be released in 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: Eurogamer