Carol Danvers, or Captain Marvel as she's more commonly known, is a rather complicated character within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Though her first solo movie, released in 2019, did well at the box office, some MCU fans find Captain Marvel/Carol a bit lacking. However, every character has their fans. And some Captain Marvel fans like to speculate about her romantic future in the MCU.

Specifically, these fans are wondering if Carol might be LGBTQ+. Some even have particular characters they would like to see her with, such as Valkyrie, portrayed by Tessa Thompson. Some of these fans believe that there were romantic undertones in Carol's relationship with Maria Rambeau, who is Monica Rambeau's mother and a close friend to the hero. So will anything come of this fan speculation; is it possible that Carol will be revealed to be LGBTQ+ in Captain Marvel 2?

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Carol's presence in the MCU represents progress in the writing of female characters, though there is still a long way to go. If Marvel were to take the leap and make the character LGBTQ+ as well, it would do a lot to bring forward progress in LGBTQ+ representation in the MCU. If Marvel were willing to take the risk, it would likely be seen as a positive step forward if Captain Marvel was LGBTQ+, especially by LGBTQ+ audiences. Everyone likes to see themselves represented in the media, especially by inspirational characters like Carol. There are definite reasons why fans might consider it likely that Carol is LGBTQ+. While there is no way to know which way Marvel will go with her character, there are definitely subtle things in her story that LGBTQ+ fans might relate to.

What are these reasons? Why might LGBTQ+ fans relate to the MCU version of Captain Marvel? Well, first of all, there is the lack of a typical romance with a male character. The fact that Carol's most important relationship is with another woman, Maria Rambeau, likely leads to this common fan theory. In fact, many fans who want Carol to be LGBTQ+ enjoy her relationship with Maria and consider it a romantic one. Or at least, a friendship with lots of romantic undertones. Another reason that fans might think Carol is LGBTQ+ is just her general aesthetic. She is somewhat gender-non-conforming and tends to dress in more androgynous clothing.

Of course, plenty of heterosexual and cisgender people do the same. Yet there's something different about Captain Marvel and the way her style functions. It seems to some people to be the same way some LGBTQ+ people express themselves through fashion. Of course, there are also deeper reasons why LGBTQ+ people would relate to Carol. One of these reasons is how much time she spends, especially during the Captain Marvel movie, not being her true self. Many LGBTQ+ people spend a good chunk of their lives not being who they are out of fear that they would out themselves. Another reason is her initial desire to prove herself until she realizes she has nothing to prove.

Captain Marvel Brie Larson

So, will this fan headcanon become actual canon in the MCU in Captain Marvel 2? Will Carol be LGBTQ+? Unfortunately, it seems unlikely. Even though it would be a good idea, it doesn't seem possible that Marvel would actually take the risk with such a big and important character. However, one never knows. If enough fans voice support for the move, perhaps Marvel will consider it. It would do a lot of good if they would, as LGBTQ+ people being represented well in the MCU would do a lot to normalize the LGBTQ+ community to Marvel's wide audience. And representing the world's diversity can only add to the realism of Marvel's stories. The more realistic a story is, the more compelling it will be, and compelling stories are always a win for fans.

And part of what makes Marvel great is the movies' and shows' willingness to deal with real issues. So who knows, maybe fans will see an LGBTQ+ Captain Marvel. Of course, the move might not work for everyone. Some people might prefer their heroes to be without any real issues or differences. However, for the LGBTQ+ Marvel fans, such an important character being a member of the LGBTQ+ community would be invaluable. Having such a strong role model for both young and old LGBTQ+ people to look up to would be amazing. So, is Captain Marvel LGBTQ+? There's no way of knowing. Yet it would be good if she was. It would add another dimension to Carol's character, and it certainly wouldn't hurt her to have more layers. Perhaps making Carol LGBTQ+ in Captain Marvel 2 would be a win-win situation. Some fans would not like it, but that is true of everything. And the fans that would like it would really appreciate it.

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