The Callisto Protocol’s biophage enemies are understandably a bit of a question mark at the moment. On paper, biophages are grotesque mutations of human bodies that can be dismembered and hurled into environmental interactions to eviscerate them. One was seen terrifyingly glued to the wall in a mucous substance and opening its eye as protagonist Jacob Lee passes, while others simply lunge at players from afar. Their premise as an enemy in gameplay is even more elementary, but that might not be the case throughout The Callisto Protocol.

Massive security robots in The Callisto Protocol give it a diverse enemy catalog, but there will hopefully be an extensive mutation potential for biophages as well. Early Callisto Protocol trailers have portrayed some truly odious designs that likely serve as important bosses in cinematic sequences. Further, iterations with physical deformations and other abnormalities are evident, and it will be interesting to see how they evolve and improve throughout not just The Callisto Protocol but also the IP’s potential future.

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Biophages Have the Element of Surprise as Part of a New IP


Biophages are not bound to any design limitations that fans yet know of, and as a new IP, The Callisto Protocol is entirely exciting. The Callisto Protocol’s latest gameplay teaser from Gamescom revealed there are biophages that can mutate mid-fight in real time.

In this mechanic, tendrils erupt from the biophage and indicate to the player that the enemy will soon mutate if the player does not thwart it, but that should be only the beginning for biophages’ potential. Knowing now that they can indeed mutate into tougher, more hideous monstrosities, the sky should be the limit on how repulsive and daunting The Callisto Protocol’s enemies become. This could be represented in gameplay in a number of ways, such as having certain enemies invulnerable to attacks that would decimate lesser biophages.

Moreover, the physical deformities seen in many biophages could worsen and feature an amalgamated biophage, similar to The Last of Us 2’s Rat King. If a new Dead Space was to be made, fans may already have expectations for how necromorphs would behave, or how players would go about combating them. The Callisto Protocol certainly bears striking resemblances to Dead Space, but has the added opportunity of being a new IP with fewer expectations, wherein it will hopefully startle and surprise fans.

The Callisto Protocol Has Room for Growth as a First Entry


It will also be a testament to the game’s writing and character development if Jacob will be appreciated as a protagonist. If the game intends to hold a franchise as well as Dead Space has, its protagonist will need to be as favorable as Isaac Clarke was. Isaac had the weight of a traumatic and repressed death he had been grieving, and no details have been shared so far about Jacob besides the fact that he has been incarcerated at Black Iron Prison. The intrigue of The Callisto Protocol’s enemies is then extended to Jacob, who may have his own emotional and alarming stakes in the narrative revealed.

Enemies and their origin do not need to be wholly explained and dissected in this single installment, and having at least another sequel could shed light on enemy lore or even establish a cliffhanger for more events to follow. Any enemy designs featured in The Callisto Protocol could then be elaborated on in a sequel if any ideas were not fulfilled, or if new ideas are implemented. Either way, it is fantastic to see another new horror IP with as much potential for franchise growth as The Callisto Protocol.

The Callisto Protocol releases December 2 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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