One of the best features of Call of Duty: Warzone is the ever-changing environment. From randomized circles to spontaneous loadout drops, the game offers tons of variation in the battle royale formula. Warzone objects have a tendency to not always follow directions with these random spawns, resulting in some interesting situations.

It was not too long ago that players noticed that Warzone supply choppers would spawn under the map resulting in unexpected deaths. The randomization engine has some problems and doesn't always make giving players extra bonuses a viable process. When a loadout drop goes wrong, this set of players had to improve in a unique way.

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Reddit user kauf95 was excited when a Warzone loadout drop fell near them. Once they approached the icon, they found that the loadout was in an unreachable location, with the box sitting on top of a gas station with no ladder or way to reach it. After careful consideration, the Warzone fans decided to move the box using an unexpected tool. Recon drones are normally used to surveillance as they offer players a way to mark targets and inspect far away locations. Using a drone, these players push the box gently off the roof making it accessible to the entire squad.

Player ingenuity is one of the best features of the Warzone community, like one Warzone fan who reinvented a classic claymore ATV trick and brought down multiple trucks. In effect, this turns the ATV into a mobile explosive that will one-shot anything it comes in contact with.

Players often mount trophy systems onto various vehicles and players are still using the drone C4 exploit to surprise unsuspecting players. It seems with every update and new equipment players find ways to make even the unimaginable work on this unique war setting.

It will be interesting to see what trick players come up with next to make their Warzone experience more fun, as a game with millions of players unique thinking will help remind everyone to enjoy themselves. As an added bonus, it is known within the Warzone community that hackers and cheaters have a hard time dealing with creative fans' ideas.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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