Players in Call of Duty: Warzone try to do what they can to get ahead, but actively cheating takes the fun and skill out of the game. Recently, many players of various levels have been drawing attention to the Call of Duty cheaters they've come across, and the number seems to be increasing.

Cheating has been an issue in Call of Duty: Warzone since the game came out. However, it seems that there are more cheaters appearing in games lately. These players don't just take advantage of Call of Duty glitches or exploits, but actively use technology like aimbots to get ahead in the game and ultimately ruin other players' days.

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TimTheTatman, a popular Twitch streamer, uploaded a video to his YouTube channel detailing his interactions with a cheater who had Damascus weapons unlocked. Since the cheater was watching the livestream, TimTheTatman was able to ask him questions about the cheating and the cheater would answer by shaking or nodding their head. The cheater told the streamer that he wasn't afraid of getting banned, even though TimTheTatman said he would report the player. At the end of the match, they both got into voice chat together, and the cheater revealed that he had been doing this for over six months without repercussions.

Players have been seeing an increase in cheaters, and while some regions are seeing it at a higher rate than others, the Call of Duty community agrees that it is a serious problem with the game. In online communities centered around the game, players have complained about running into cheaters up to four matches in a row, which severely impacts their ability to enjoy the game. Activision has recently implemented many bans for cheating in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but many appear to be against players who were playing the game fairly.

If cheaters like the one TimTheTatman ran into have been able to run free for half of a year with no repercussions, then Activision needs to step up and put a stop to the rampant cheating. Cheating will continue to become normalized in the game if no legitimate action is taken against it, which harms the gamers who want to excel in Warzone through their own merit.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: TimTheTatman's Kid Shuts Off His PC Mid Call of Duty: Warzone Match

Sources: Reddit (2)