Despite retaining most features from Warzone, Call of Duty Warzone 2 has transformed into a more tactical-style battle royale. For example, players can no longer slide-cancel, reload-cancel, or rely on Ghost to be hidden. Now, players must rely on audio cues to hear enemy movements, wait for the reload animation to finish, and constantly be moving to avoid being flanked by enemies due to UAVs, Portable Radars, and Heartbeat Sensors.

So, with all these changes, players must not only learn a whole new set of beginner tips but also take full advantage of the tools Infinity Ward has provided. The Ping system is one of the tools that players should tweak to get an edge on enemy players — and players can customize the color however they like, which can aid them in gameplay. Here's how.

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How to Access and Change the Ping System

At the Main Menu (where players have the option to play COD: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer, DMZ, and Warzone 2), players should navigate to the Settings Menu (first image; left). Once inside the Settings Menu, players should select Interface (first image; right), which will them to a different screen. At the Interface Menu, pick the Color Customization option (second image; left). In this new Menu, look for Interface Element Colors (second image; right).

In the Interface Element Colors section, players can change the HUD Color Palette, Team Color Icon, Party Color Icon, Enemy Color Icon, etc. To change the Ping Color, players will want to change the Neutral option. Generally, players will want to choose a bright color (red or orange) while making sure it isn't similar to the other Mini-map icons. While in this Menu, players can take some time to tweak additional Quick Settings since doing so may improve overall gameplay.

Why Changing Ping Color Matters

Call of Duty Warzone 2 Ping Color Changing

At first, changing the Ping Color for Warzone 2 may seem like a minimal improvement for gameplay, but in reality, it can determine if a player wins or loses a gunfight. For example, having a Ping Color that's bright and easily noticeable will help the player (and squad) indicate if there's danger approaching, especially in moments where players can't communicate due to the new Proximity Chat system. Additionally, the default Ping Color blends in with the Al Mazrah map, leading to confusion during intense gunfights or while traveling to POIs, Black Sites, and Strongholds. Having a ping color that stands out can help players avoid this issue.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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