While the core gameplay of Call of Duty: Vanguard multiplayer is keeping many fans engaged, there are some bugs that will need to be patched out in the near future. Some are tied to the Call of Duty: Vanguard play of the game system, as it is producing very strange clips.

Call of Duty: Vanguard’s new system for play of the game cycles between the best plays of the match and final kills. This way, players will see a standout play if there was one in the match, and if there was not, players will instead witness the last kill of the game. While this does seem like the best of both worlds, Call of Duty fans have been sharing clips online about the funny things they have seen because of it.

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One example comes courtesy of Reddit user Nslk and showcases that not every final kill will be visually appealing. In this player’s game, the final kill was tied to a mine, which blew up a player off-screen. Instead of focusing on this mine, players only see the person who placed it. As such, the hilarious killcam makes it look like the player vaulting over the ledge was an incredible play, with several commenters getting a kick out of the strange clip. While there was surely something more visually appealing that could have been shown, this is what Call of Duty: Vanguard players saw instead.

An even stranger clip from Redditor SneakyInkling seemingly showed a player transforming into one of the game’s Attack Dogs. After picking up a kill with the MP40, the strongest SMG in the game at the moment, the rest of the player’s killcam is cut off. This is a bigger issue with the play of the games, as a widespread problem ensures that players only see half of the actual clip before it cuts off. However, that does not explain the attack dog corpse that randomly fell on the floor after the kill, something that is confusing viewers.

One final clip from Redditor patamonrs showcases the problem with play of the games cutting off early even better, mainly because players do not see the play at all. After seeing the Call of Duty: Vanguard Operator Shigenori carry out their highlight intro, gamers were instantly sent to the vote screen to decide the team’s MVP. While there is a brief glimpse of the match in between the intro and vote screen, that is all players see of the best play.

While Sledgehammer Games does have some more severe Call of Duty: Vanguard bugs to deal with, hopefully the killcams are fixed up soon. While some of these strange clips are entertaining, many would likely prefer to have their good play shown properly.

Call of Duty: Vanguard is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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