Sledgehammer Games has been exceptionally attentive to Call of Duty: Vanguard fans thus far. Many changes that fans have asked for since the game released have been made in order to keep players happy. Unfortunately, not all of the changes to Call of Duty: Vanguard have been good for the game.

Call of Duty: Vanguard players have been calling for incendiary grenades to be nerfed ever since they were added to the game as part of the Season 1 update. Players claim that the game's fire and explosion effects make it extremely difficult to see opposing players. The addition of incendiary grenades has only increased the amount of fire in multiplayer matches, which has made it even more difficult to see.

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Sledgehammer Games was quick to announce changes to incendiary grenades and fire as a whole in Call of Duty: Vanguard. Sledgehammer games went about this in a few ways. It nerfed incendiary grenades so that players could now walk through their flames without dying instantly. The developer also buffed the Fortified and Dauntless perks to be more resistant to fire. The Fortified perk significantly reduces all fire damage, while the Dauntless perk allows players to take no damage when moving through fire.

Sadly, while these perks sound good on paper, one of them is, unfortunately, not working as intended. The Fortified perk was supposed to reduce fire damage by 30% but is seemingly making players that have the perk equipped entirely invincible to all fire damage. One player shared a clip of them flamethrowing an opposing player to no effect at all. The opposing player then walked through the flames and proceeded to melee kill the player recording the clip.

Sledgehammer Games will likely patch this glitch as soon as possible, as it has done when previous issues have been reported. Another issue that players would like to see fixed regards packet burst issues. Call of Duty: Vanguard players have stated that the packet loss they are experiencing is becoming game-breaking. Reaction time is exceptionally important in FPS games and any delay in packet delivery can be a massive disadvantage to players.

Sledgehammer seemingly has a lot on its plate regarding fixes to Call of Duty: Vanguard, though luckily it shares the burden with some other Activision studios. After many players called for a pause feature to the Call of Duty: Vanguard zombies mode, Treyarch, developer of the mode, obliged. It should therefore not be too long before the other issues are addressed and patched.

MORE: Treyarch’s 115 Day Blog Post Proves There Is Still Hope For Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies