Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 recently experienced a historic launch, and avid players are already finding convenient methods to level up guns in their arsenal. The new method ensures players save time while trying out all the new guns available within Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer component.

Reddit user u/MozM- revealed an easy method for Modern Warfare 2 players wanting to level up multiple guns at once. Players should focus on the Kill Confirmed mode due to the additional XP that may be earned by collecting tags after kills. Each Kill Confirmed tag grants the user 75 XP that goes toward the currently equipped gun. To capitalize on the XP gained from tags, players should get a kill with their primary gun and switch to their secondary weapon before claiming the tag. The tag will grant XP for the secondary weapon, which means players can level up the weapon without getting kills.

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Since Kill Confirmed grants more XP than the traditional Team Deathmatch mode, u/MozM- was able to reach max weapon level with the RPG-7 and riot shield by collecting tags. The user was able to level up primary weapons that are much more desirable in the process such as the powerful M4 assault rifle. In fact, u/MozM- was able to reach the riot shield's max weapon level without getting a single kill with it in Kill Confirmed. At the same time, the player was able to reach the max weapon level with his choice of primary weapon.

u/MozM-'s new method streamlines weapon progression, and fellow Reddit users provided additional tips to further maximize XP gain within Modern Warfare 2's Kill Confirmed mode. One example includes shooting down UAVs with the PILA rocket launcher and immediately switching to a primary weapon. If the user quickly switches to a primary weapon, the XP gained from destroying a UAV will go toward that weapon instead of the PILA.

Modern Warfare 2 has plenty of competitive guns to use such as the F22 Hurricane and Lachmann Sub, so this new method allows players to focus on those fun guns and earn mastery camos. Players will likely want to level up these powerful weapons to earn useful attachments and gain a competitive edge across Modern Warfare 2's playlists and game modes.

The Kill Confirmed method is easy enough to replicate multiple times, and it will likely remain useful when Modern Warfare 2 receives new content. Reports and rumors suggest Activision will support Modern Warfare 2 throughout 2023 instead of releasing an all-new Call of Duty title.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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