Sarah Schachner, the composer behind Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Anthem, and a number of previous Call of Duty titles, has now announced that she will no longer create music for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 due to issues and disagreements with Infinity Ward's audio director. While the community wondered why the new COD game didn't receive an official soundtrack upon launch, few expected big problems like these to crop up.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's campaign mode featured a series of striking missions, each of which came with an equally striking soundtrack to underline its narrative beats. Players eager to listen to these tracks without gunfire blasting over it will apparently need to wait a bit longer still, as the clash between Schachner and the audio director, Stephen Miller, comes to a head.RELATED: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Has Cutscenes for Failed KillstreaksAccording to Sarah Schachner, who is well known for her work on a number of popular video games and movies, the version of Modern Warfare 2's soundtrack that's currently bound to release is "not [her] artistic intent in regards to mixing and mastering." While Modern Warfare 2's voice actors appear to be happy with the way their work was handled in the final product, Schachner seems to have had a number of creative differences with Miller over the past few months, and the soundtrack launch project is no longer under her control. Moreover, Schachner will not compose any music for the game's future content, such as Warzone 2.0, which may disappoint fans of her work.

As Modern Warfare 2 smashes sales records, having fast become one of the fastest-selling AAA games of all time, it's become increasingly obvious that the game's far from a perfect state. With bugs and crashes being relatively commonplace, Infinity Ward has a long road ahead of it, and something similar may now be happening with the game's planned soundtrack release, which Schachner's claims suggest may be in a bit of limbo at this time.

Problematic though the situation may be, fans of the new COD seem to be having a blast, and Infinity Ward may be working on a whopping 9 new game modes for Modern Warfare 2's future content updates. Whether Schachner's work ends up being featured in any of them remains to be seen, but even if that ends up being the case, it's still likely to receive substantial changes in the end.

One of the game's biggest potential problems at this time is that Modern Warfare 2 has a Hulu-looking UI that only really caters to mobile phone interfaces, which isn't overly relevant to either gamepad or mouse and keyboard users. The UI's current implementation makes basic tasks such as camo switching overly complicated and imprecise, on top of being strangely unintuitive.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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