Although Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has been revealed, its teaser website Pawn Takes Pawn is still active. The site updates infrequently, adding mysterious videotapes and puzzles among its pages. Now, amid the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta, the website has posted a brand new video.

The video is titled simply "What you're made of" and presents the reoccurring hooded character from previous tapes. Although the message is as cryptic as ever, it does set fans' minds aflame with theories and possibilities. Although the video is not as puzzle entrenched as other content on the Call of Duty site, it did drop an interesting clue for the game's community to understand.

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The video appeared on October 17th and could be triggered by selecting the appropriate videotape. Players are once again spoken to by the mysterious robed figure who makes references to battle, pressure, and choices that are made on the battlefield. Split-second decisions and more importantly, "choices that my father got wrong." This last phrase echos in the ears of fans as the video come to an end, presenting viewers with a scrambled screen of television snow.

This last phrase draws a lot of meaning from several online groups. While many players are simply confused, others are finding more within the message than expected. Fans are still unsure of who the hooded figure is, but the videos continue to present unique clues and drive fans' theories forward.

As for the phrase spoken, the one member of the iconic original Call of Duty: Black Ops cast that had a child would be Mason. While his child is a prominent point in Black Ops 2, some fans believe that the phrase is referring to Mason's son. This would mean that there was a decision that Mason made, that would not allow him to go home to his family.

Other fans counter this thought and instead believe that the message is a reference to the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War campaign. There are supposed to be several impactful decisions which could be made under pressure, the message may refer to the player as a character in the upcoming title.

While the meaning of the message is unknown, there are no doubt more puzzles waiting to be discovered within the website. Activision continues to use the cryptic Call of Duty advertising campaign to drive fan attention leaving many players wondering what may be next.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is set to release on November 13th for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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