Player curiosity is always a driving factor when designing content for games like Call of Duty: Warzone. When prompted with unreachable locations, players sometimes make it a personal mission to explore the area anyway. It was this curiosity that uncovered a game-breaking Call of Duty: Warzone glitch at the end of the subway tunnel.

Any player that has taken the subway will have noticed the far-reaching tunnels that span left and right from each metro terminal. Rather than giving players literal tunnels to explore, the developers chose to place a black wall, an invisible barrier, and a despawn zone as a prevention measure to keep them out. After some experimentation, players have found a way past the Call of Duty: Warzone metro station.

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Traveling by track is by no means safe. Players must pass through the Do Not Enter signs, the Out of Bounds warning along with surviving the electric trap on the tracks. Still, players who push to the end of the tracks at the Barakett Promenade East Verdansk metro station will be able to run straight through the fog and through a solid wall. Once a player does this, they will find themselves in a new zone located underneath the map of Verdansk. From here, players gain the normal benefits of slipping below the map, invulnerability with a ton of sightlines.

From under the map, players can see everything, shoot anyone, and be completely invincible the entire time they do it. If widely used, this exploit could become a game-breaking Warzone problem, as once a player has glitched below the ground there is absolutely no way to get to them.

So far, this exploit has only been tested in the Call of Duty: Warzone Rumble playlist. Considering that the main game modes all use the same map, this exploit probably works in regular modes as well, so players should be careful of bullets coming from the ground.

The main difference between this exploit and the other map mesh glitches is that players have full mobility. While normally a player would be stuck in one place or inside of an object, this exploit opens the entire underground world for players to navigate. This is mainly due to the depth of the metro stations and the fact that no other buildings exist that far down to prevent or restrict player movement.

Players can probably expect the Barakett Promenade East subway system to be a hot drop point until this problem is fixed. There will no doubt be a large population of player looking to take advantage of this exploit until it is fixed.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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