Call Of Duty: Mobile is as close to a console shooter as mobile games can get right now. To date, it is ranked as one of the overall best games for the platform. With such a large fanbase, it's only natural that there will be a series of memes that everyone who plays the game will laugh at one way or the other.

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Some are funny because of the way other players can relate to them, while others troll the game in the most hilarious ways. With that in mind, let's take a look at just a few of the funniest memes about COD: Mobile.

10 Would Y'all Just Be Quiet For A Sec!

image of will smith pissed off with the caption _teammates yelling orders and distracting you_

Even if it isn't COD: Mobile, every player can relate to this. Someone will be trying to listen in on enemy footsteps but NO! Their teammates have to keep telling them what to do after they've all been killed.

It's kind of annoying and the worst part is dying because the player didn't hear the enemy coming over the distracting voices of their teammates. After getting killed, they are responsible for the loss.

9 Terribly Sorry Guys

Image of a sad guy with the caption _your team losses 49_50 and you appear in the killcam_

Let's be honest, everyone has been here. It's kind of a sorrowful moment for all those who've experienced it because it genuinely makes the player get a guilty conscience.

All the other teammates feel betrayed and let down, leaving the shown party to feel responsible. It's even worse when you die for the first time and that just happened to be the last kill. On the bright side, it is possible to earn redemption in later matches.

8 Hell Yeah!

This is the moment of truth for many players. The moment when a player must think quickly and act even quicker. The player must grab a random gun from the ground and keep fighting with it. But first, the player must survive with a knife. At this point, the heart of any player will be racing as they think of their next line of action.

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Most players are lucky enough to find a gun lying right beside them. Others must fight for their lives in order to get to a gun. Killing other players with a knife while searching for a gun serves as a right of passage for many into "gamerhood."

7 There's Always That One Guy

image of Frogs on a crocodile's back with the caption "me and the boys with the guy with a chinese name with 39 kills

Every multiplayer gamer out there who goes around pairing with strangers has definitely played on a team with a player that has his/her name written in Chinese. During the match, the Chinese friend ends up bagging all the kills while the other guys are busy enjoying the show.

An English speaking individual might find it very difficult to communicate with them, but that's OK because they let their kills do all the talking.

6 At Least They Aren't Dead

Split image of soldiers with one showing the location of teammates. With the enemy team standing close together and my team scattered ridiculously

A lot of times, players tend to separate from the team and go away on their own. This usually makes the game more difficult for everyone. In most cases, the scattered teammates get picked off one by one rather easily by a team that did well to stick together.

It's more common among teammates that don't exactly know each other or have poor communication. Either way, it is annoying to have to play alone when the entire team's members are still in the game.

5 It's A Miracle!

an image of a penguin, an elephant, a penguin with an elephant's head and a man and the man asking What the hell is this

If you're a pro COD player, then you'll be able to spot the similarities between COD: Mobile, Black Ops, and Modern Warfare 2. It's like Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops had a child.

Though COD: Mobile isn't so bad for a mobile game, it's to be expected that PC gamers who've played the real thing will be dissatisfied with this version. Most of the similarities can be found in the characters and the maps.

4 We Can Win This! But...

image of a tired man with the caption _if you could stop avoiding the hardpoint that'd be great_

Players do this a lot and it really stresses out the one individual on the team who actually cares about the overall objective of the game. A lot of players still do not get the point of hardpoint.

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They avoid the hardpoint like it's a disease and go about trying to get kills that mean nothing. Meanwhile, the person trying to hold the hardpoint gets killed each time he/she tries and all because their teammates refused to back them up.

3 When A Player Likes To Get Things Done

image of a man carrying other men with the caption carrying the whole team in Team Deathmatch like...

Whenever a player goes into invincible mode, then it's safe to assume that winning is all that matters. A lot of players have had to deal with teammates that don't seem to know their way around the game all that well.

As teammates like this get killed a lot, a good player has to be able to play with all their might to make up the difference. At times, it can be a one-player show.

2 It's Not Always About Getting Kills!

image of an angry man cocking a gun with the caption Am I the only one here who cares about the objective and not just kills

Like hardpoint and domination, it's not always about getting only kills. Some of these modes require planning and good execution. A lot of players only care about getting the most kills and a lot of times, this does more harm than good to the team.

This is one of those times when one wishes friendly fire was possible. Of course, it's a different story if both teams couldn't care less about the objective. While this meme is about Team Fortress 2, the sentiment holds true for COD: Mobile.

1 Could Be Both

featured image of a simpson thinking with the caption "Not sure if my team sucks, or the other team is trained."

This is a question that has been on the minds of many players during and after the match. Someone could be playing a match and be unable to explain why their team is losing so decisively.

This question often pops up when a player realizes that they're not so bad themselves but still can not explain the loss. The best thing to do is to keep playing and try to leave the past behind.

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