From infinite damage to unlimited pets, there are numerous Borderlands 3 glitches that players can use to increase the power level of their Vault Hunters and make legendary farming even easier. Many of these glitches revolve around stacking the bonus effects attached to shields, and players have discovered yet another Borderlands 3 exploit that can be executed using this method. Specifically, this new BL3 glitch makes Vault Hunters extremely fast and gives them instant reload – abilities that many players will be happy to have access to.

In order to execute this BL3 exploit, players will need to locate a shield that grants both bonus reload speed and bonus movement speed when depleted, and there is one such shield that fans can farm for specifically. Called the Scrambling Big Boom Blaster, this shield can drop from The Unstoppable, a rare boss spawn that is found in Eden-6's Ambermire, and the video below provides a visual reference of this enemy's exact location.

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Once a player has obtained a Borderlands 3 shield with the aforementioned bonuses, be it the Scrambling Big Boom Blaster or otherwise, they should equip it and head to Desolation's Edge on Nekrotafeya. Immediately next to this map's fast travel station is a chasm, and fans can use this hole to repeatedly kill their Vault Hunter extremely quickly. With each death, the bonuses granted by the equipped shield will stack, and this can be repeated until the desired effect is obtained.

To note, this bug can be performed with any of Borderlands 3's Vault Hunters, and, as previously alluded to, it is not limited to just increased movement and reload speed. If a player wishes to have incredible melee damage, for example, they would simply need to find a shield that offers increased melee damage when depleted and then perform the aforementioned trick at Desolation's Edge.

In just over one week, the first Borderlands 3 story DLC, Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot, will launch, and players should expect a patch to be coming along with it. Very possibly, this patch will eliminate the ability to stack shield effects, bringing an end to the myriad of BL3 exploits that have spawned from this bug. Until then, though, fans can enjoy the power of super speed, instant reload, and much more.

Borderlands 3 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One.

MORE: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting True Vault Hunter Mode In Borderlands 3