Bloodborne recently began trending on Twitter, though when gamers went to see why it was trending, there was no particular reason. News on any kind of follow-up to Bloodborne has been relatively sparse in the seven years since the game's launch, yet that hasn't stopped fans from being outspoken about their love for the game.

Since its release as a PS4 exclusive in 2015, Bloodborne has garnered a large and vocal fanbase for its masterful fusion of the Soulslike genre with eldritch horror, but it is one of many PlayStation properties that has gone many years without news of a sequel, remaster, or port. Sony has given some teases toward a Bloodborne follow-up and rumors on it have been spread for years, but no formal announcement has ever surfaced.

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Online conversations about Bloodborne continue to garner so much fervor that it has been enough to make the game trend today on Twitter with over 8500 tweets at the time of writing. Seeing this on the Trending tab, one might expect there to be some kind of update or news, but FromSoftware and Sony have stayed quiet about the game as of late. A very similar incident also recently occurred with the phrase "Elden Ring DLC," though there has similarly been no official word on whether DLC is coming for that game.

Many gamers are well aware that the Bloodborne trending on Twitter is not uncommon, having already happened as recently as early October following rumors of a remake of Horizon Zero Dawn. This fanbase is still alive and well with fan art, memes, and the long-speculated announcement of a Bloodborne PC port or remaster, the biggest wish of Bloodborne fans. This topic has become especially pertinent ever since PS4 exclusives such as God of War and Sackboy: A Big Adventure were released on PC.

Being one of the most beloved titles on the PS4 and in the Soulslike genre, Bloodborne getting ported or remastered is among the most wanted game releases, but also one that shows little sign of happening. Any kind of follow-up towards Bloodborne, whether it be a remaster, port, or full-blown sequel, would unquestionably do well and likely grow the game's fanbase even more. The fact that it hasn't happened yet has understandably frustrated fans considering the success of Marvel's Spider-Man and other PS4 exclusives on PC. The feature may seem bleak for Bloodborne, but that won't stop its fans from continuing to wish for new beasts to hunt.

Bloodborne is available now for PS4.

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