The latest Blair Witch game is out now and despite being a fairly linear experience it can be a confusing horror game. It's not uncommon for players to find themselves stuck, especially in the early hours of the game. Here's a guide to help lost players find contact the search party in the very first chapter of the game.

Bloober Team's Blair Witch is a first-person survival horror game from the developers of Observer and the Layers of Fear games. It's scary, but is unfortunately a tad obtuse. Players control Ellis who, with the help of his trusty dog Bullet, is tracking down a missing boy who got lost in the Burkittsville woods from the original Blair Witch Project.

RELATED: Blair Witch: How to Open the Bunker Lock

Once players get past the very opening moments of the prologue, it is time begin Chapter 1 (to check the chapter go to the menu and select the save option and it will show when a save state is made). The objective here is to get in contact with the search party and locate information on the missing boy.

Players find themselves in a clearing full of parked cars and valuable story objects. First, pick up the radio in the trunk of the police car closest to the start of the area. This item is crucial to the game and is required to contact the search party and progress the story.

On the other cars there is a mysterious photo and description of the missing boy. Take the time to investigate these as well as a box with posters lying near the police car before moving on. Now it's time to head into the forest.

blair witch search party guide dark house

Grab the game's first wooden doll (a collectible) on the fence before moving further into the woods. After entering the forest, follow the tourist trail ahead. It should be the path the players most naturally follow so don't worry about going the wrong way just yet. This is the time to use the radio to contact the rest of the search team. The police are using channel two, so pull up the radial menu and select the walkie talkie radio. After the conversation, tell Bullet to search the area. He will lead you to what remains of the search team.

This is just the start of the adventure with Bullet. Blair Witch clocks in at around 4-6 hours, but the game has multiple endings that encourage future replays.

Blair Witch is out now on PC and Xbox One.

MORE: Blair Witch: Here's How Long It Takes to Beat