Blacktail has 48 Skills, including three Special Treats, three Hocuses, and four Hexes. Skills are the best way for players to facilitate their exploration and empower their fighting abilities in Blacktail. Some of these Skills enhance one’s capacity, awaken Yaga’s Hocus, increase vitality, and so on. However, some Skills are not easily obtained since they require a Lost Page to be unlocked. The latter is found inside chests, chest Beasts, and Warden Treasures.

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Additionally, some Skills fall under a specific Hex category that offers unique buffs. The Hex is a manifestation of an animal within Yaga, which is represented by a Raven, Goat, Hare, or Snake. Hocus is the magic ability Yaga gains after visiting The Hut in Blacktail. Only through boosting her abilities and strengthening her normal and magical attacks can Yaga survive in the forest. Therefore, players should mainly upgrade the orphan girl Skills to progress through the game quickly.

6 Unicorn Blood Skill

unicorn blood lost page in blacktail

Unicorn Blood Skill is the ability to regenerate a bit of vitality whenever Yaga drinks a potion. To unlock it, players must first get the Antidote Skill, which cures poisoning and grants temporary immunity against poison, and the Hunter Potion Skill, which muffles Yaga’s movements and make her hasted and immune to confusion and fatigue. Next, players must find the Lost Page, acquired after completing the ‘Until It Sleeps’ side quest in Blacktail.

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unicorn blood skil and snake hex in blacktail

The Unicorn Blood Skill falls under the Snake Hex Skills category. Equipping the latter Hex provides players with a Crystal buff and the capacity to carry six more Crystal arrows. Players should note that only one Hex buff can be active.

5 Spring Cleaning Skill

spring cleaning skill in blacktail

Spring Cleaning Skill allows The Broom to slow down enemies upon shooting it. Unlocking it requires unsealing the two previous Skills, The Eye and The Broom. The latter is automatically obtained while progressing through the game, while The Eye Skill requires a Lost Page to get unlocked. After that, finding the Lost Page for the Spring Cleaning Skill is a must.

spring cleaning lost age in blacktail

This Skill Lost Page is located inside a Warden Treasure in Blacktail. Opening the treasure requires Yaga to gain the title of Cursed or Grand Favorite Morality.

4 Old Soul Skill

old soul lost page in blacktail

Old Soul Skill enhances Yaga’s mana regeneration, which is needed to cast Hocus and Special Treats. Unlocking it can be bothersome as its recipe is locked. It is unlockable from the small hill house on the autumn map. Entering the house is a hassle as players need to find the three missing gears to activate the house door handle in Blacktail. Also, players need to unlock the previous two mana Skills to use the Old Soul Skill.

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old soul skill location in blacktail

Mana is one of the most important mechanisms in Blacktail, as, without it, Yaga cannot unleash her Gauntlet powers or use the Special Treats Skills. At first, Yaga’s mana is only represented by two triangles, but players can increase their mana as the game progresses by unlocking all the mana Skills in Blacktail.

3 Toxic Veil Skill

toxic veil lost page in blacktail

Toxic Veil is one of the Special Treats Skills. Unlocking it gives Yaga the ability to shoot toxic arrows. Special Treats combine Yaga's Gauntlet powers with bow use to create an even more powerful attack than an ordinary hunter could perform.

toxic veil skill location in blacktail

To activate it, players need to locate its Lost Page, which is found inside a chest on the autumn map. The chest is hidden in a cave under the tallest mountain on the map and can only be opened by defeating the enemy guarding it.

2 Survivalist Skill

survivalist skill lost page in blacktail

Survivalist is one of the most critical Skills in Blacktail, as it gives Yaga the ability to carry more resources. Unlocking the Survivalist Skill requires slaying various enemies in the underground cave.

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survivalist skill loaction in blacktail

Upgrading Yaga’s inventory capacity is essential as later on, players cannot upgrade some Skills that require a certain amount of specified items. For example, unlocking the Fungal Infusion Skill requires 12 Honeycombs, and Yaga can only carry eight without these two resources Skills in Blacktail.

1 Potion Of Vitality Skill

potion of vitality skill in blacktail

Potion of Vitality is arguably the most important Skill to unlock in Blacktail. This Skill can be gained more than once as it enhances Yaga’s health bar. While progressing through the game, the enemies become stronger and harder to beat, so, to avoid being slayed immediately, players should focus on upgrading this Skill.

obtaining potion of vitality after unlocking a chest in blacktail

Potion of Vitality Skill could be found inside some chests, chest Beasts, and Warden Treasures.

Blacktail is now available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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