On April 10, the very first image of a black hole was released thanks to an algorithm put together by Dr. Katie Bouman, a Harvard-led team of around 200 researchers, and the Event Horizon Telescope. The image represents an incredible milestone in human history, and the Internet has seemingly obsessed with it. And like what happens with most things the Internet becomes obsessed with, the black hole picture has now become a meme.

Video game memes are quite popular, and so it's no surprise that the bulk of the black hole picture memes seem to be gaming-related. Some of the memes were even made by official Twitter accounts of video game companies and games, like the one released on The Division 2 Twitter that compares the black hole picture to a Division agent's watch.

The most popular black hole picture memes seem to compare the black hole to various video game imagery. One we've seen a lot of compares the black hole picture to the Super Smash Bros. logo, though comparisons have also been made to Metal Sonic's eyes and even the dreaded Red Ring of Death.

We combed through Twitter for the best black hole picture memes, and picked out some of the gaming memes that stood out.

1. The Division 2

2. Mass Effect Reapers

3. Metal Sonic

4. Super Metroid

6. Red Ring of Death

7. Who's That Pokemon?

8. Yu-Gi-Oh!

9. Bonus Moth Meme

The Twitter account Super Mario Broth also pointed out how the black hole picture looks eerily similar to the way black holes are depicted in Super Mario Galaxy. While not really a meme, they still put together an image that compares the black hole picture released today with a black hole from Super Mario Galaxy.

And now that we know what a black hole actually looks like, it's safe to say that the black hole picture will have an impact on the way they're depicted in media moving forward. Needless to say, it will be interesting to see what black holes look like in video games and movies after the release of the image.