In games where it is possible to perform reprehensible actions, there is always a trade-off for walking upon the darker path. New witches wandering through Black Book, by Russian indie developer Morteshka, will have plenty of opportunities to make heavily impactful decisions.

RELATED: Black Book: What Sins & The Sin Counter Do

Choosing whether to kill or spare, steal or give, as well as many more polarizing choices must be deliberated on to make the right call and reap the best rewards. This relatively text-heavy RPG requires players to study the land and its sinister creatures to be prepared for the worst.

Where To Find Bigichi Forest

red text and circle showing the forested location on the map in the prologue.

Head northeast from the starting location of the Prologue and be sure to take the first fork on the right to get to Bigichi Forest. This location is an excellent place to pick up a lot of early-game Sin as well as some nice bonus Exp.

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If the player makes the right decision here, the additional Sins gained could unlock interesting dialogue options later on. However, it should be stressed that players should not aim for one of the sinful endings if they wish to make morally righteous choices.

Which Choice To Pick In Bigichi Forest

player having to choose between stealing, tampering, or leaving.

While a fresh bottle of milk and homemade pierogies would be tempting to steal, there are better rewards to be had from choosing the other option in this pleasant clearing.

Furthermore, lechiys, demonic forest guardians, do not take kindly to witches stealing their treats, and it is advised that the player not disrespect such a strong spirit so early in a playthrough.

The Rewards Of Tampering With The Charter In Bigichi Forest

player getting 3 sins and 50 exp.

In a game about occasionally manipulating demons to do one's bidding, this feels like the right choice. The town of Bigich has plenty of resources to go around, even enough to leave out some goods for creatures like leshiys, so they surely won't miss the protection of some cattle. Acquiring the help of a supernatural fiend for Vilgort's livestock-tending needs results in the player gaining 3 Sins and 50 Exp.

This kind of result won't be uncommon for players seeking to become the best witch, regardless of the consequences, which can be a great goal to aspire to early on. Black Book is a challenging game that expects gamers to figure things out with logic and a bit of investigation, though, it rewards players who seem to understand the ominous demon-filled setting with extra Exp and other goods.

NEXT: Black Book: How To Use Items In Combat