There are many goals that players can set their sights on in BitLife, and one of them is earning a lot of money. In fact, some fans may want to earn a billion dollars in this life sim game, and indeed it is possible to do so. This guide is here to provide recommendations on how to become a billionaire in BitLife and help players make their dreams a reality.

BitLife: How to Become a Billionaire

The first steps toward becoming a billionaire come into play during character creation. Specifically, BitLife players should work to create a character that has both high Looks and Smarts. Additionally, it is recommended that the character be born in a country that is tax-free, and Monaco is a great location to select.

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With a character created, players can move onto the next part of the process: becoming a famous actor. Here is walkthrough of how that is done, and fans of life sim games should keep their Health and Looks very high through it all:

  • Reach age eight.
  • Take Acting Lessons through the Mind and Body tab of Activities until maximum skill is obtained. Make sure to maintain this skill level moving forward.
  • Graduate from high school.
  • Work a part-time job until it is possible to hire a Talent Agent through the Actor tab in Special Careers.
  • Start going on auditions and landing roles to become a famous actor.

After becoming a famous actor in BitLife, players should use Photo Shoots and Commercials as a way to bring in some serious cash. Fans should also work on their Social Media presence, paying particular attention to YouTube and Instagram. Once a significant base of followers has been established on these platforms, players should monetize them and use promotions as additional sources of income.

At this point, fans should be bringing in a reasonable amount of money every year, though a billion dollars may still seem far off. That is why players should start use their earnings as a famous actor to buy as much real estate as they can, focusing on properties that are in good condition. The goal here is to amass a ton of properties, hold on to them, and then sell them at a huge profit after many years have passed.

bitlife billionaire

To note, it can take a quite a while to turn real estate investments into a billion dollars. That is why it was previously recommended that mobile game players emphasize their characters' Health while they are gaining their wealth. Indeed, a character may need to live well into their hundreds before becoming a billionaire, and frequent trips to the Gym are thus very important.

BitLife is available on Android and iOS.

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