Biomutant players have a lot of different options when it comes to upgrading their character, including using Bio Points in order to unlock new Biogenetic abilities. While these don't tend to be too expensive, players wanting to unlock several of them will definitely need a good place to farm Bio Points repeatedly, and thankfully there's an easy way to do that. Getting started with Bio Point farming is a bit of a process, however, as players are going to want to complete a specific side quest first in order to get an item that will make the process much easier in the long run.

While Bio Points are just one of many ways to upgrade the player's character, they are one of the easiest ways to get some of the flashy moves that Biomutant has to offer. That said, the best place to find Bio Points is inside Biohazard areas, and players are going to need to do a bit of preparation before heading into them.

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To make this whole process much easier, players should seek out the Biohazard Suit. This is an equippable item that completely negates the negative effects of being in a Biohazard area, meaning players are free to spend as much time within these zones as they need. To get the Biohazard Suit, players simply need to enter a Biohazard zone. This will proc the quest for the resistance suit, at which point players can follow the questline until they get it. With that out of the way, it's time to head back to another Biohazard Zone.

biomutant battle

Realistically, any Biohazard Zone will do, but some players swear by certain ones. The important thing is to try and find Bio enemies, as most of these will drop a single Bio Point when they are killed. Killing larger ones can reward more, and there are also Bio Containers found in these areas that drop a good chunk of Bio Points as well, but these don't respawn.

Bio Points are great for purchasing Biogenetic Mutations, but they are also the currency used to increase natural resistances. During character creation, Biomutant players have to pick their natural resistances, but they can be upgraded later at any time with the use of Bio Points. For every upgrade the player purchases, their resistance will increase by 10%. Do this enough and players may not even need a Biohazard Suit anymore to run around in these areas and farm points.

Biomutant is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and later on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Biomutant: Should You Choose Light or Dark