With Battlefield 2042, EA and DICE bring to life a warzone set in the not-so-distant future. Part of this new warzone is the underbarrel grenade launcher, an attachment that can, if used correctly, change the tide of battle.

When attempting to use the underbarrel grenade launcher in Battlefield 2042, players have to simply press 'down' on the d-pad on console or 'X' on PC. If the weapon being used has the underbarrel attachment, gamers can begin instantly using the grenade launcher. When the attachment is used, however, players are not able to aim down the sights of their guns.

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Using the Underbarrel Grenade Launcher

Battlefield 2042 - AN-94 - Player backing up allies with AN-94

The underbarrel grenade launcher is great to take advantage of Battlefield 2042. Unlike previous Battlefield games, there are no more classes for players to choose from. Rather, there are playable characters that can all be customized to carry whatever guns or tools Battlefield players want.

While this system has been heavily criticized, it means that it's easier for players to pick the play styles that best suit them. If that means taking advantage of the underbarrel grenade launcher, players can utilize the new item with virtually any character. It's worth noting, too, that the underbarrel grenade launcher can be used in a variety of ways. The projectiles ricochet off of nearby surfaces, allowing Battlefield 2042 players to be creative with how they use the weapon.

The underbarrel grenade launcher is an item that can be attached to (or removed from) guns via the in-game customization that is now available in Battlefield 2042. This means that gamers don't have to rely solely on the attachment during their warfare experiences. In addition, the grenade launcher fires a projectile that does not instantly detonate and that can be useful for groups of enemy players.

The grenade launcher, however, is not the best weapon to utilize in Battlefield 2042. Battlefield has always lent itself to long-range combat, something which certainly isn't easy with the underbarrel attachment. And, of course, players already carry grenades that are effective in combat. Taking a grenade launcher into some of Battlefield 2042's huge maps can be somewhat redundant when players already have useful tools in their arsenal. While it is a good addition to Battlefield, the weapon is suited to more condensed combat than Battlefield usually produces.

All things considered, the underbarrel grenade launcher is a fun weapon that can be used by players, and is only one of many items that can help gamers dominate the warzone.

Battlefield 2042 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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