Everything in Battlefield 2042 that isn't driven or a weapon is considered gear. Gear is separated into two different categories: gadgets and throwable items. Even though Battlefield 2042 wasn't as well-received as players had hoped, it still has many fun moments, especially when using gear that can add additional elements to the game.

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While not all the gear is meant to hurt the enemies, it can deter them from their goal. Acquiring gear is also quite simple — players just need to play and level up, and then they are rewarded with something which may be valuable gear like a medic crate. If players use these tips to level quickly, then they'll be able to get the best gear that Battlefield 2042 has to offer.

6 FXM-33 AA Missiles — Level 2

battlefield 2042 fxm 33 aa missile

One of the main issues of Battlefield 2042 is the lack of content that stretches between the weapons, vehicles, and even the gear. However, the lack of content can be a good thing as well, since players can unlock extremely powerful gear quite early on like the FX-33 AA Missle.

If gamers are playing the bigger modes like breakthrough or conquest, vehicles become an issue, especially the air-based ones. The AA missile locks on and chases after the target on its own, as opposed to players guiding it. This gadget comes in handy when the player and their squad are being bombarded by helicopters or enemy planes.

5 Ranger — Level 5

the ranger Cropped

This AI dog-like robot is quite useful, more so when it comes to the objective-based modes like Breakthrough. Unlike other gear in Battlefield 2042, which is equipped, players must call in the Ranger in order to use it. The Ranger can be effective if the player is using it right, and since players can control it, it can act as a whole other member of the squad.

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When being controlled, players can provide cover with the Ranger or suppress fire with it, since the controlling player doesn't need to be in the way of danger. The Ranger is good to have around just because it can take most of the damage. What's more, oftentimes opposing players won't even attack it; they'll run past it looking for the player in control.

4 Proxy Sensor — Level 22

battlefield 2042 proxy sensor

The map for Battlefield 2042 doesn't give much insight into where the enemy is. If players want to have that edge over the enemy, they can level up and unlock specialist Ji-soo. Her abilities allow her team to see where the enemy is exactly, even through walls.

If players don't want to level up all the way to level 26, the other option is proxy sensors. Unlocking at level 22, players can throw these sensors and pick up the enemy's location. While proxy sensors are not as accurate as Ji-soo's abilities, they still give players the edge for foresight. Plus, with more of a range on the sensor, players have a farther scope of what's going on.

3 Med Pen — Level 26

battlefield 2042 player injecting themsevles

Probably one of the most crucial gadgets of Battlefield 2042, the med pen is essential for maintaining the player's health. When a player gets hit, the health does regenerate, slowly. Unless players are one of the support specialists like Angel, there's not much they can do but wait till they are fully healed.

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However, the Med Pen can make things easier. Much Angel, who can heal himself on the fly, players with the Med Pen can do the same, and do it quickly. Also, since it's an ability for Angel, it doesn't run out for him, so players with the Med Pen equipped should strategize when to use it. If players are just getting out of a gunfight, instead of running away to cover, they can quickly heal themselves with it and get back into the fight.

2 EMP Grenade — Level 22

battlefield 2042 emp grenades

Out of all throwable items, players should have this equipped most often when vehicles and other electric-based devices are present. Throwing these near any vehicles adds cushion for players to either fight or flee; either way, it does help them.

For tanks and trucks, the EMP Grenade can make them useless by frying the electric components which allow the player to get rid of those vehicles. Although going after planes and helicopters is a challenge, it can be done. Having the EMP Grenade equipped is just as important as a Frag Grenade or an Incendiary one because of how much impact it has. While it doesn't do damage to the others, it's still crucial for stopping the enemy.

1 SOFLAM — Level 56

battlefield 2042 soflam

One thing that Battlefield 2042 does not lack is the satisfaction players can find in taking out vehicles. The SOFLAM doesn't do any damage itself, but players with it equipped can laser-target a target. Other players with weapons with lock-on capabilities can then shoot at that target, and it will hit.

This gadget is important for taking out hard-to-hit vehicles like planes and helicopters. If other players see that, it becomes much easier to get those vehicles, because now more than one player is focused on it. The only downside is that players need to grind many hours to get this item, since it's one of the higher-tier ones. But once unlocked, players equipped with it become more of a threat.

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