When Barry season 3 ended, many wondered how much further the show could go knowing how far gone pretty much every character was compared to where they were at the beginning. As it turns out, the show realizes that too, and Anthony Carrigan, who plays the lovable Chechen gangster NoHo Hank confirmed something that fans probably knew was happening but dread to hear.

Carrigan confirmed that Barry season 4 will, in fact, be the HBO show's final season in a recent podcast. Carrigan did not go into details regarding what would happen exactly in the show's final season, but when asked if the fourth season would be the last, he did not leave it out in the open.

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It's been confirmed that the Barry season 4 is in production. However, while making an appearance on the Hollywood At Home With The Creative Coalition, Carrigan was asked point-blank if Barry season 4 would be the show's last season. While Carrigan did not go into details regarding when the season would be released or give viewers an insight into where his character NoHo Hank is going from where he left off, he answered in the affirmative. This is heartbreaking news for fans of the show who have watched from the start, but it was difficult to think of how much longer the show could go now that the police have closed in on some of the show's main characters.

Barry Berkman (Bill Hader) and NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan) at Chechen training session

Since both Barry and Fuches have been arrested, and the cases against them are very strong, it's hard to see how they ever see the light of day again. Sally now has to cope with not only destroying her hopes and dreams of making it in Hollywood because of her ego but also with the fact that someone tried to kill her and that she maliciously killed someone too. NoHo Hank's drug operation has been raided by the police, and he already has issues with the cartel. It's clear that none of the characters can return to the status quo because too much has happened on Barry.

It speaks volumes that, in a show full of morally questionable characters, the one who deserves a happy ending the most is the druglord NoHo Hank, who has even pointed out himself that he's in the wrong business. Not only is Hank not a cold-stoned killer or a manipulative person, but he is friendly, gives people second chances, and primarily cares about his relationships with people like the one he has with Cristobal. Despite Hank's line of work, the viewers are supposed to feel sorry for Hank that his relationship with Cristobal might actually be in jeopardy, having been through electroshock therapy.

Now that it's been confirmed by multiple cast members that Barry is entering its final season, what matters is that they stick the landing when the curtains call. It's tough to say whether Barry Berkman deserves a happy ending. He clearly got mixed up with the wrong people before finding what put him on the right path. At the same time, he will kill anyone who could get in the way of the life he wants and has even shown how merciless he can be when he wants revenge. He doesn't deserve the worst fate possible, but he deserves some comeuppance for what he's done when it's all said and done.

Barry season 4 is currently in production, and Barry Seasons 1-3 can be watched on HBO Max.

MORE: Barry: NoHo Hank Is One Of Television's Most Entertaining Characters

Source: Hollywood At Home With The Creative Coalition