Some of the best episodes in Avatar: The Last Airbender are defined by their fight scenes. These epic moments help define the characters and develop the themes the show builds throughout the three seasons. Some of the best fight scenes come at pivotal moments in characters' arcs and their bending prowess on display is some of the best TV anyone can find.

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This list specifically concerns fight scenes with two or more people against other named characters in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Therefore, action sequences like the Order of the White Lotus reconquering Ba Sing Sae or the siege of the North Pole (while amazing) don't count here because they are larger battles or invasions.

10 Toph vs Xin Fu

Toph About To Fight Some Wrestlers in Avatar: The Last Airbender

In Toph's debut episode "The Blind Bandit" she can fight an entire group of earthbenders one after another, entertainingly juxtaposing her appearance whilst also showing Aang the importance of what makes an excellent earthbending teacher.

The impressive feats she can pull off in the episode keep building as the final fight involves her taking on all the previous earthbenders at once culminating in her fight against Xin Fu in an incredible demonstration of how her unique bending style exemplifies how she is the most powerful earthbender of all time.

9 Aang, Toph & Sokka vs Azula

Sokka, Toph, Aang Vs Azula in Avatar: The Last Airbender

In the incredible two-part episode "The Day Of The Black Sun", one of the biggest highlights was Aang, Toph, and Sokka trying to find Firelord Ozai, only to find Azula instead. This fight sequence shows that even without her bending, Azula is a skilled antagonist capable of wasting as much of the eclipse as possible.

This fight works so well as a juggling act between Azula avoiding attacks, Dai Li agents keeping Toph occupied, Aang trying to immobilize Azula, and Sokka trying to catch up to everyone. It all blends into absolute chaos with the added tension of the limited time that firebending is un-usable.

8 Aang vs Zuko vs Azula

Azula vs Zuko vs Aang in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The first time that Azula faces Aang in an extended fight is in the second season episode titled "The Chase" which showcases the best Mexican standoff the show has to offer. Aang is sleep-deprived and alone, Azula is cunning and ruthless and Zuko is honor-bound to capture Aang for himself.

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The quality of this duel comes in the sheer fast-paced energy of all three parties exchanging fire and air blasts with one another. The duel then morphs into stopping Azula, the most powerful of the three of them at all costs. The arrival of all the other major characters leads to an excellent cliffhanger where Iroh is wounded and the chaos of the surrounding flames causes everyone to escape.

7 The Final Combustion Man Fight

Combustion Man At The Western Air Temple in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The introduction of Combustion Man in season 3 is a sub-plot that ends up being a great homage to films like The Terminator. This seemingly unstoppable man was partly made of metal and showcases one of the best bending abilities in the Avatar canon: combustion bending. The design of combustion bending comes from a mystical third eye and lends to the mystery surrounding the character and dread surrounding each fight scene he's in.

His final fight involves a last-ditch attempt to kill Aang at the western air temple, which would have been successful if it wasn't for Zuko interjecting at the last second. Sokka's use of one well-placed boomerang throw strikes him to explode when he tries to use his bending again, showing how devastating the weakness of a combustion bender is.

6 Katara, Aang & Sokka vs Huu

The Swamp Vine Monster Ambush in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The second season episode "The Swamp" shows some of the best imagery for exploring the character's lingering feelings from the events of the first season as well as foreshadowing characters from later episodes. This episode ends in a fight that appears at first to be the personification of the swamp attacking Aang, Katara, and Sokka.

In reality, this episode shows how waterbending can be used in different ways depending on the culture of those using it. Huu protects the swamp by bending the vines into a monster and attacking those who would do the swamp harm. This fight showcases different styles of waterbending interacting with each other in a well-choreographed scene that ends with a satisfying payoff.

5 Roku vs Sozin

Roku Defeating Firelord Sozin in Avatar: The Last Airbender

One of the best episodes for finally exploring the history of Roku, Aang's predecessor. While shorter than some other fights on this list, it shows the immense power that a Firelord can have whilst also showing that power getting dwarfed by Roku's control over the Avatar state.

This fight is an essential turning point for the relationship between Roku and Sozin. The expansionist plans for the fire nation are halted by Roku, but his lack of conviction in sparing Sozin is taken advantage of when Roku dies, which leaves Sozin to use the comet to wipe out the airbenders.

4 Katara vs Hama

Katara Fighting Hama The Bloodbender in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The creepiest episode of Avatar includes the introduction of bloodbending which terrified any child that watched it when it was first released in 2007. The idea of using water to bend a person's blood is further expanded in The Legend of Korra, but its first appearance is in the fight between Katara and Hama.

The use of shadow and sharp lines to accentuate the horror of the fight raises the tension of seeing two waterbending masters fighting at their peak. The ethical decision that comes with forcing Katara to bloodbend to beat Hama allows for a bittersweet moment wherein the end we feel like Hama is the real victor despite losing the fight.

3 Katara & Aang vs Zuko & Azula

Aang In The Avatar State vs Azula in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The finale of the second season ends with an incredible fight underneath the Ba Sing Sae palace in a sprawling crystal cavern. The emotional weight of Zuko essentially making the wrong choice right as it appeared that he was going to turn against Azula is crushing.

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The evenly matched blows that each side exchange is a great opportunity to show some incredibly choreographed bending powers. The growing hopelessness of Aang and Katara's situation is compounded by Aang's attempt to use the Avatar state, only to be shot down by Azula's lightning. This amazing fight ends with the ultimate cliffhanger to be picked up on at the beginning of season 3.

2 Aang vs Ozai

Aang In The Avatar State vs Firelord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The final fight of the show was hyped up from the very beginning of the first season and actually managed to deliver on the high expectations of the fans. The fight shows the development of Aang's bending abilities until this point. The area they fight is perfectly designed for both characters to maneuver between pillars of rock and lends to a number of unpredictable moments that both characters are able to use to their advantage.

The fight is divided into two parts (the second where Aang is in the Avatar state) which is an excellent way to showcase Ozai and Aang using their powers to totally control the offense. The pacing, lighting, and animation quality are all at their absolute peak in this fight and are cemented into one of the best fight scenes in the medium.

1 Azula vs Zuko & Katara

Final Agni Kai Zuko vs Azula in Avatar: The Last Airbender

The sound design, choreography, score, and color palette are simply unforgettable in this fight scene. The blue and orange of Zuko and Azula's flames mix together in wide shots that show just how powerful their firebending has been enhanced by the comet. Azula's erratic movement during this fight shows her mental collapse in a compelling way and her use of lightning against Katara is a compelling way of ending her character arc.

The way that Katara is able to end the fight so suddenly by freezing herself along with Azula is a fantastic use of forcing an enemy into a mistake that they would never usually make, every move in this fight is indicative of their characters and works extremely well.

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