Ubisoft Forward's teaser for Assassin's Creed Valhalla's Last Chapter DLC (which is free) reveals Eivor's plans and shows her speaking, presently, to her previous incarnation of Havi. Indeed, while there are plenty of new games like Assassin's Creed Mirage on the horizon, 2022's focus remains on Valhalla.

2022 will be its final year of content, however. Earlier this year, Ubisoft released the Forgotten Saga roguelike DLC game mode for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and it intends to wrap things up with the Last Chapter's release later in 2022.

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Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Eivor and Havi, Face to Face

Ubisoft Forward's teaser comes off incredibly strong, showing Eivor seemingly talking face to face with Havi. Many know that Eivor Varinsdottir is an Isu reincarnation of Havi/Odin. Her interactions with him in the main story have primarily been through a powerful, drug-like elixir, but it seems she is talking with him directly, even able to see him standing next to her. What this means remains to be seen, but it has huge story implications. After all, Basim was Basim until Loki's consciousness overtook him. This could suggest that more of Havi is beginning to take over Eivor, despite the fact that she seemingly refused him in the Asgard storyline of AC Valhalla. The Last Chapter is shown around the 16:42-minute mark below.

Furthermore, it seems Eivor has more pressing matters at hand too. She finally seems content with her home and village, which is a bit strange but also understandable, and wants to set out for another adventure. That's fitting, at least. There seems to be a voiceover of Basim, who is watching this interaction through the animus in Assassin's Creed Valhalla's post-campaign content, and he seems surprised by how she is interacting with Havi, his nemesis. Whatever this quest is, Ubisoft confirms that this will wrap up many lingering storylines, bring in key characters, bring back other characters, and have historical characters play some role in it all. While Eivor's new quest remains to be seen, it will bring Valhalla to a close, and it could provide answers to the game's many mysteries.

The big one, for many, is tied to the modern-day story of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. As Layla, Shaun, and Rebecca, they find Eivor's remains in Vinland, and Basim later on even wonders why she was buried there. She travels there at one point in the story, dealing with an Apple of Eden at that, but why she returned and is buried there instead of home could be a result of this adventure. Hopefully, The Last Chapter wraps this up whenever it releases.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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