The Assassin's Creed series has become one of the most popular franchises of the 2000s thanks to its gorgeous locations, intricate gameplay, and focus on history. While the stories wildly fluctuate in quality, there's no denying that the series has remained a fun form of escapism and information for history buffs and video game fans alike.

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That said, there are a few plot holes and questionable story decisions in Assassin's Creed Odyssey that fall through the cracks. Whether that's through poor writing or an emphasis on history and gameplay over story, we cannot say. All we know is that these plot holes need answering.

10 10. How Did The Misthios Survive Falling Off A Cliff?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Ending

In one of the most shocking sequences of the game, the Misthios is pushed off a cliff by their father. What we want to know is how they survived! That cliff looked pretty darn high, and we seriously doubt that they managed to snag an outcrop and shimmy their way down to safety. We're also led to believe that they somehow managed to orient themselves after a major fall (likely with horrific injuries and head wounds), find their way to a shore, and hop in a boat that carried them to another island. Even by Assassin's Creed standards, that's a little too much to accept.

9 9. What Happens In The Animus When The Misthios Is Gettin' Busy?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey romance gameplay E3 2018

One of the hallmarks of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the ability to generate relationships and sleep with various NPCs. So, what exactly is going on with Layla inside the Animus at this time? Is she experiencing this at the same time as the characters? Is that really something they should be watching and experiencing?

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There are more important things to do here, Layla! It's possible that the Animus skips these memories, as the screen fades to black whenever we make the decision to get down and dirty. Is that the Animus skipping that part of the simulation and sparing Layla the details? We don't know, but we want to!

8 8. Did No One Check For Your Body?

Let's go back to that very problematic scene of the Misthios falling off the cliff. Are we just led to believe that everyone on the cliff shrugged their shoulders and assumed that the kid was dead? Of course, we would assume the exact same thing, as we mentioned back in the first entry. It's a tall cliff, and it's highly unlikely that they would have survived. But one bothered to check? That seems like something you would want to do. But nope, they just called it a day and carried out their business, none the wiser.

7 7. How Is Atlantis Already A Myth?

Atlantis becomes very important to the story in the latter half of the game, which is a little problematic for all the history buffs out there. The myth of Atlantis was originally conceived by Plato in his dialogues Timaeus and Critias, which were written around 360 BCE. Assassin's Creed Odyssey takes place in 431 BCE, 71 years before those dialogues were even written!

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In fact, Plato was born some time between 428 and 423 BCE, which means he wouldn't have even been born yet during the events of Odyssey! We understand that this is a fantastical story and that it's not exactly meant to be taken seriously, but this is still a major discrepancy in the historic timeline.

6 6. What Exactly Was The Point Of The Cult Of Kosmos?

We don't know a whole lot about the Cult of Kosmos. We know that they were a freaky cult. We know that they had their hands in nearly every aspect of Greek society. We know that they manipulated the Pythia. And we know that they orchestrated the entire Peloponnesian War. But...why? They were nothing but freaky Bond villains with ambitions to "take over the world" or something, and their goals and motives didn't exactly go beyond that. The whole storyline was a bit of a mess, and it confused us more than it excited or intrigued us. But whatever, the concept of a sinister cult controlling Ancient Greek society is pretty darned cool.

5 5. Why Did The Misthios Listen To Aspasia?

Aspasia is not a good person. We learn throughout the events of the game that she is warmonger, she constantly lies and manipulates, and that she even ordered the assassination of Perikles. But instead of, you know, assassinating this wildly wicked woman, the Misthios simply stands there and listens to her babble, and even asks a few random and silly questions.

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Sorry, but this is the leader of a highly dangerous cult who is known to control the very world as we know it. Why not just stick a knife in her throat and call it a day? Do we really need the whole "villain speech" thing?

4 4. Kleon

This is another example of the Assassin's Creed timeline not exactly meshing with historical accuracy. Again, we understand that this is a video game and not everything can be perfect, but it's still interesting to note! In the game, the Misthios avenges Perikles's death by assassinating his political rival, Kleon.

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Kleon was indeed a general during the Peloponnesian War, but he actually died in 422 BCE, a little after the events of the game. According to history, he was killed while trying to recapture the city of Amphipolis, and his death was a major precursor to the signing of the Peace of Nicias.

3 3. How Did No One See The ISU Remnants?

Late in the game, the Misthios comes across some major ISU ruins and encounters The Sphinx. What we want to know is how the Templars managed to explain away this massive building. The building is not exactly hidden, it's very close to a populated area, and it's VERY obviously not of Greek origin. Did no one ask any questions about this otherworldly structure? You mean to tell us that not ONE person managed to draw the structure, or record it in a book? Presumably a building like that would draw A LOT of attention, and we find it baffling that it managed to remain a secret for so long.

2 2. Why Would The Misthios Fight Against Sparta?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Kassandra Orb

Throughout the game, the Misthios plays both sides due to them being a mercenary for hire. One one side, there are the Athenians, who essentially wish to dominate the entire area. On the other end, there is Sparta. It's established that the Misthios was born in Sparta before they were thrown off a cliff and made their way to the island of Kephallonia.

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Seeing as how Sparta is their home, why would they decide to abandon it in favor of money? You could certainly make the argument that the whole "being thrown off a cliff" thing tarnished their view of Sparta and its inhabitants, and that is totally understandable. However, it's still interesting to note just how easily and nonchalantly they make the decision to betray Sparta in favor of cold, hard cash.

1 1. How Do The Mercenaries Know Where You Are?

assassins creed odyssey kassandra

One of the new mechanics introduced in Odyssey is the mercenary system. Generally, if you cause too much trouble, a specific mercenary will be sent to hunt you down and dispose of you. Even if it was ripped straight out of Shadow of Mordor, it was still an interesting mechanic that breathed new life into the game. We're just wondering - how on Earth did the mercenaries know where you were? If you commit a crime, they're there in a matter of seconds, and they seem to follow you as if they know exactly where you've been and where you're going. We're pretty sure GPS didn't exist back then, so we have no idea why the mercenaries had such an otherworldly skill at tracking.

NEXT: Assassin's Creed 2020: 10 Historical Periods The Franchise Should Explore Next