Apex Legends season 12 is right around the corner, beginning on February 8. Not only is the Olympus map returning with an overhaul, but Apex Legends season 12 is getting a new Control LTM and, as always, a new character. Mad Maggie from Fuse’s background is officially entering the game.

As always, fans can probably expect Mad Maggie to be a popular pick in the first few weeks before she settles down and finds her place among her peers. Mad Maggie’s abilities have yet to be fully defined, but leaker Shrugtal has found them and shared them with their followers. While they should be taken with a grain of salt, it seems Maggie’s passive gives her some sort of shotgun bonus, her tactical is a breaching charge that can deal damage through cover, and her ultimate is a ball she throws (as seen in the recent Apex Legends trailer.)

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Despite how excited fans are for Apex Legends season 12, it’s hard to ignore how Mad Maggie further contributes to one side of the battle royale game that fully outweighs others. Many players are happy that it’s not another “wallhacks” recon legend like Seer, but Redditor toasterlunch recently uploaded a custom-made image that shows why Mad Maggie’s role as an assault character is a problem.

On the left side of the image above, players can see the two support characters in a game: Lifeline and Loba. In most games, support characters are super important and get similar treatment to other classes (even if some gamers look down on support characters). Meanwhile, the right side of the image compiles various legends, showing the 9 assault characters in the game as of season 12. For further comparison, there are four defensive legends in the game and 5 recon characters in Apex Legends.

To make matters worse, several of the assault characters (and there’s even Valkyrie to consider too) have damage-dealing tactical abilities. As it stands, abilities are just as important for proper DPS as guns in Apex Legends. So, only having one legend who heals and one who can retrieve loot as support characters feels incredibly off. Technically, Wattson can heal shields pretty well too, but there is not much in the support area of Apex Legends.

Perhaps this will turn around later this year, as more Apex Legends seasons are released. It’s unclear what another support character could look like, but there’s the Shields-based character legend Immortal who has leaked before, while another doing something with crafting items and more could be handy. A healer who operates differently from Lifeline could also shake up the meta in terms of healing. Again, for now, it’s all in the air.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One. Mobile, PS5, and Xbox Series X versions are in development.

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