Bangalore is one of the original characters in Apex Legends, and she's remained very useful and often picked since the game's launch. This is for good reason; Bangalore is a well-rounded character that can fit in just about any playstyle and can be incredibly strong in a coordinated effort. Her abilities have a wide variety of uses, and the way that she's played is going to vary from player to player.

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Let's take a look at some tips for getting the most out of Bangalore, and consider some interesting team compositions that she's a part of.


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Undoubtedly, the most useful ability in Bangalore's arsenal is her Smoke Launcher. The smoke from this has a variety of uses, one of which is its ability to aid in the escape of you and/or your team. Since it can be launched from a truly huge distance, a well-placed smoke can just about cover any area on the map that you can see, allowing a well-placed Bangalore to help just about anybody on the team escape.


The Smoke Launcher can also go a long way in aiding an aggressive push from your team. Enemies can't shoot what they can't see, and so while they may have a good idea of which direction you're coming from, the smoke is going to cover you and your teammates for long enough to allow you to close the gap and engage the enemy on your terms. Just be vigilant for those throwables; the first thing most teams do when a team is smoke-pushing them is toss a half-dozen grenades into the fray.


apex legends bangalore facts 9

Lastly, the smoke can help your team lick their wounds a bit, as well. A downed teammate is usually going to be a bit easier to pick up if they're surrounded by smoke, especially when the enemy is firing from a good distance away and can't simply push the smoke during the revive.

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This can also go a long way in helping either you or a teammate get a chance to recharge a shield or use a Medkit, as well, though again, keep an ear out for an enemy pushing into it.


Bangalore gets a passive speed boost when enemies shoot at her, and this can benefit in a variety of scenarios, much like her Smoke Launcher. If your team is on the aggressive, that extra speed is going to help you close the gap that much quicker and be on enemies before they're expecting it. If your team is on the lamb, that extra speed is going to help you put a couple of extra steps between you and your enemies.


Bangalore's ultimate ability calls down a barrage of missiles from the heavens, blanketing the area directly in front of the flare in a bad time. This, like a lot of Bangalore's abilities, can have a variety of benefits. In an open area, this barrage can move enemies out of their cover and into the ready and waiting crosshairs of you and your team.

Or, in an urban environment, this can push enemies into buildings and give your team a moment to recover.


That said, sometimes enemies are going to be able to find those little spots throughout the barrage that are, blissfully, damage-free. If this is the case, enemies are going to be essentially frozen in place, allowing your own team to spread and all get separate angles on the enemies. If your entire team can get into good spots and put the enemy in a crossfire, they're going to have little chance of getting out of the situation alive.


Bangalore's abilities give her the unique chance to be of benefit to her team in just about any situation, and because of this, her team should usually adopt a patient, well-coordinated approach to each engagement.

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That doesn't mean you can't be aggressive, you certainly can be, but given a moment to prepare, Bangalore can help your team accomplish just about anything you're looking to do. Talk to your team, take a second to prepare, and start the fight on the right foot.


Since Bangalore's abilities can be effectively used in close range or long range, she can be adapted to be useful in the hands of just about any player, provided they're putting the proper thought into what they're doing. Teammates are pushing while you hang back? Send a smoke their way to help them push. Enemies in cover with traps to help them out? Launch a barrage and push them out, destroying the traps in the process. Just about any situation can benefit from a Bangalore, and she can be useful with plenty of different mindsets.


A really cool team composition including Bangalore makes plentiful use of both her and Caustic's smoke/gas. With Bangalore and Caustic blanketing a wide area in visual cover, Bloodhound can use their Eye of the Allfather to scan enemies and give Bangalore and Caustic a good snapshot of enemy locations. Plus, Bloodhound can use their ultimate ability to see enemies unimpeded by the smoke. Enemies are going to be just about clueless as to what exactly is going on, while Bloodhound can absolutely wreak havoc.


Only a slight changeup in team composition from the last one, this team is actually going to play quite a bit differently. All three of these characters have strong area-denial abilities; Gibraltar and Bangalore both have their ultimate abilities, while Caustic has both his Gas Canisters and his own ultimate ability. Between the three of these characters, your team should have quite the opportunity to push enemies exactly where you want them to be. On a well-coordinated team with a healthy dose of map knowledge, this can go a long way in giving your team the advantage in every single engagement.

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