Several weeks ago, Anthem director Jonathan Warner stated that BioWare being able to focus on gameplay first with the forthcoming action-RPG has been a "refreshing" and "invigorating" experience, as the studio's previous approach put its primary attention on story and plot points. In order to show players looking forward to the title even more of the gameplay that Warner and the studio has been working on, the developer recently offered a look at ultimate abilities for the Storm and Interceptor Javelins with a livestream during Paris Games Week.

As seen in the video below from the YouTuber known as Arekkz, not only are Anthem's Storm and Interceptor Javelins on display, but also BioWare decided to include a look at the first game mission as well. Calling it "The Lost Arcanist", players will be tasked with finding a member of The Arcanists, which are a group of researcher-monks that can be found in  both Fort Tarsis and Bastion.

While the Storm and Interceptor Javelin gameplay should excite the players looking forward to Anthem, it's worth noting that the aforementioned footage from the Paris Games Week stream showed the game being played at lower settings. With this being the case, fans wanting to see crisper visuals might get some in another gameplay stream that's scheduled for next week, with the game's lead producers, Michael Gamble and Ben Irving, showcasing the online multiplayer action-RPG’s current alpha build.

Taking all of this into consideration, although some may have noticed a few bugs here and there in the recently revealed Storm and Interceptor Javelin gameplay, Gamble has assured fans that BioWare streams like these for its projects often show early and occasionally older builds with unfinished content. So, hopefully the stream for next week will provide an even closer representation of what the developer intends for Anthem to be like at launch.

Anthem is scheduled to release on February 22, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Arekkz Gaming – YouTube