There comes a time where every Freelancer playing Anthem has to begin watching out for Collectibles. Whether that be early in the game while trying to complete a Daily Challenge or earn some Coin, or the mid-game story-gating Challenges of the Legionnaires, Collectibles catch up to all of Anthem's players.

What does and does not count as a Collectible will be most players' main issue once they reach the Trial of  Yvenia mission that 10 Collectibles. For example, chests, loot, and materials are not Collectibles, though players will want to collect them to complete different Challenges. Collectibles are any number of objects found in Freeplay including books, papers, overlooks, hidden symbols, and more. Collectibles either trigger a lore pop-up or a notification on the side of the screen. In other words, Collectibles are so common that no one should stress too much over finding them (unless their focus is on a particular set of Collectibles).

As such, the best advice for finding Collectibles is to explore. Don't just fly over everything, though. Fly low to the ground, go through caves and try to find out-of-the-way areas. Look for notable landmarks like castles, giant trees, or towers. Even more generic landmarks like small camps, caves, and bridges can often have a Collectible too. While some Collectibles can only be found a single time, others like the Hidden Messages spawn like chests or resources.

Keep in mind that much of Anthem is still mysterious. Exact details on how certain aspects of the game work remains to be discovered. To look over in-game Collectible information, players can open their in-game menu and go into the Challenges tab to see how many are available. Just ignore the Botanist and Geologist challenges, as they're more about collecting than Collectibles. Searching out more information on each specific Collectible type can provide even more help, especially after launch.

anthem mederines disciple collectibles map

For those who really just want to avoid the hassle of exploring, hoping to find Collectibles, and looking for something they're not familiar with, there is an alternative. Above are 10 Collectibles that make up the Mederines' Disciple Challenge. It rewards 800 Coin and all 10 Collectibles are relatively close to one another, north of Fort Tarsis in Freeplay. Plus, there are quite a few randomly spawned Collectibles along the way that might make completing the Trial of Yvenia Collectible step even faster.

Referencing the Anthem map, start at zero and work through the Collectibles. Take special note that six Collectibles are in the tunnel that starts at 4.

0. Ha Ha! Danger! - A ruined building with a campfire just past a broken bridge, sitting on a chair.1. Outlaw Poetry - Paper on a crate above a cliff, just past a waterfall.2. Outlaw Ranting - Small Book in cave of Shaper ruin full of bones, Strider just outside.3. Friend of the Wild... - Moonpod Lagoon, under a natural rock bridge, inside of a beast skeleton.4. New Customer - Camp in the cave of a Shaper ruin, paper sitting on a crate.5. Change of Plan - Cave Entrance, Tarsis Bypass, paper behind a broken wall and arch.6. Regulator Store Sale Flyer - Just past the previous Collectible is a scroll on a crate.7. Thank you, Governor - Even further in the cave, just before a Sentinal Camp and the Tomb of Yvenia, under a waterfall.8. Dear Governorer... - Also under the waterfall.9. Most Esteemid Grovener - Again, under the waterfall.

For a visual guide through these locations, check out this YouTube guide from Gaming with Abyss.

Anthem is designed to encourage players to scour Bastion in search of secrets and rewards. There are dozens of Challenges to complete, locations to visit, combat actions to perform, and most of it isn't made clear through gameplay. Anthem players will have to figure out most of it on their own, or with help from friends and other players.

Anthem releases February 22 on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. It's currently available via Origin Access Premier on PC and EA Access on Xbox One.