Even a game as mechanically robust and polished as Animal Crossing: New Horizons can never be bug-free, as shown by a strange occurrence that two players recently experienced while playing multiplayer. A recent uptick in players means a higher chance these issues will be discovered, but so far none seem to be very serious.

The recent 2.0 Update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons is bringing many players back into the game, freshening the experience with a massive amount of new content as well as returning features from previous games. It released earlier than its projected date of November 5, surprising many players, though the latest bug in the game is just as shocking.

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An odd occurrence showcased by an Animal Crossing subreddit member, Enbion, appears to demonstrate an issue with how the game's collision system works. Enbion was showing off one of the collectible Gyroids added in the update, and the other player stepped closer before suddenly being lifted into the air. Adjusting the camera angle revealed that the player had managed to get stuck on the transparent ceiling of the room.

While Animal Crossing: New Horizons bugs are generally more uncommon than not, difficult to explain issues such as the one demonstrated by Enbion can arise. The most likely explanation may be that walking into another player near the plant item causes a strange collision interaction, though this cannot be confirmed without further testing. Regardless of its cause, the sudden motion combined with the subtle sound is unexpected; the result appears as if the player is standing on an invisible floor.

In any case, the issue seems to be isolated, so the average player should not have to worry about suddenly flying into the air. The 2.0 Update's large amount of additions and upcoming paid DLC should keep Animal Crossing: New Horizons players busy for a while yet. Attentive players will even notice hidden details in some of the new Animal Crossing items, and the DLC will make even more significant additions to the gameplay.

With the wealth of content added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, players can expect to find strange quirks with the game's items, as no bug testing can be 100% foolproof. Though the same cannot be said for the messy launch of Nintendo's new Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack, which has many players up in arms over its lack of polish, hopefully future Animal Crossing content will avoid a similar fate.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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